
Could you see this storyline being a movie?

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Best friends, Jade and Tanner, each 10 years of age were always inseparable. But Tanner's mother hated him seeing her so much. For Mrs. Eastman hated Jade's mother. The Eastman's had money, the Conner's just did not. They were too different for her young Tanner to be involved with such a type of girl. Jade broke some bad news to Tanner one day that she would be moving to Kelso. Thousands of miles away from Tanner. Tanner always told Jade he would marry her someday, but Jade hated to hear that, for she thought boys were disgusting. Jade did promise Tanner it was only for the summer, that she would be back. 10 years pass and Tanner had given up all hope of ever seeing Jade again. He had been to college moving on with live and be a politician one day. Jade, still in Kelso, worked for the Kelso Children's Unit at the hospital. She got word of a meeting that she needed to attend. It was in one week. It was a town meeting.. a meeting to shut down the Children's Unit. Meanwhile, Tanner was arriving home to take an internship. He met his mother at the airport and told her he would be interning in Kelso. His mother became worried and wondered “Does he remember Jade? Does he remember Kelso is where she now lives?” Certain he did not remember any of that, Mrs. Eastman cleared it from her mind and simply asked, “Why Kelso?” Tanner responded with it being so close to Portland, where Mrs. Eastman now lived, that the two of them could spend lots of time together while he was in from college. He let his mother know Kelso was offering internships and that was the farthest he was willing to travel. Arriving in Kelso, Tanner meets who he will be working with over the next couple of months. Over the week of him being there he was told to prepare documents on a particular issue and would be presenting them before a Kelso town meeting. He was on the side of shutting down the Children’s Unit of the Kelso hospital. Not even really for shutting it down, he did as he was supposed to and proceeded to the meeting. Presenting his presentation he notices a young nurse in the back looking oddly familiar. He could not place who she was or how he would even know her. Once he finished speaking, everyone began to exit the meeting. Tanner asks another intern if he knew who that girl was. Jade exits the meeting in a rush.. angry. Tanner asked again who she was and said he needed an answer quick. “Her name is Jade. Conner, I believe.” the intern said. Tanner rushes out after her. Seeing her get into her car he quickly yells “Jade!” and runs toward her. She gets out wondering how he knew her name and he tells her “It’s me, it’s me… Tanner Eastman!” The two talk and catch up and agree to meet at his place for pizza. Tanner invites Jade to visit his mother with him the next day in Portland. Jade agrees thinking Mrs. Eastman always liked her anyway. Tanner calls his mother and tells her he will be bringing a friend. Worried about who it was, Mrs. Eastman paced her living room waiting for Tanner and the friend to arrive. “Mom, you remember Jade Conner, right?” Putting on a fake smile, Mrs. Eastman invites them in. Time passes and Jade and Tanner spend every minute together. They fall in love and discuss getting married someday. Close to Tanner having to leave, he decides that he didn’t really want to be a politician. He decides he would leave for a Mission trip to Hungary instead of college. The last couple of weeks he had in Kelso, he discussed his decision with Jade. He let her know that their communication for the month he would be gone would be impossible, for he and the group would be moving around too much. He let her know that as soon as he returned, he would marry Jade. The night before Tanner leaves, he and Jade sleep together. Upset that he is leaving, Jade gets up and leaves. He tells her bye the next morning and heads to the airport. Some time passes and Jade feels sick. She knew it was from missing Tanner so much since he had been gone… and knowing she couldn’t even talk to him. Curious, Jade takes a pregnancy test. Positive. She had to get in touch with Tanner somehow. She calls Mrs. Eastman asking for an emergency number to reach Tanner. Mrs. Eastman asks why and Jade tells her it’s personal. Right away Mrs. Eastman knew she must be pregnant. She invites Jade to her house the next morning to discuss the pregnancy. Jade arrives and they begin talking about Tanner being gone. Mrs. Eastman tells her Tanner will not want anything to do with her or the child and to promise that Jade will never speak of Tanner being the father to anyone… including Tanner himself. She pulls out two photographs. One of a little boy, the other of a little girl. She tells Jade the children are Tanner’s and that they are from two different women. She tells Jade he does not have anything to do with the children and that he would be no different with hers. Jade couldn’t believe the lies Tanner told her. How could he not tell her he had two other children? Mrs. Eastman writes Jade a check for ten thousand dollars and makes her promise to forget Tanner. Scared her child would not have a family, Jade calls up an old friend who always wanted to marry her. They meet up decide to marry and Jade “finds out” she’s pregnant weeks after their honeymoon. She tells her new husband that they are pregnant. Tanner returns home and meets his mother in the airport. Coming out of the gate he begins looking for Jade right away. He runs to his mother and asks if she knows where Jade is. Mrs. Eastman informs him that just a few weeks after Tanner left, Jade married someone else and they are now expecting a baby. Tanner is devastated and can’t believe Jade would do that. His mother encourages him to just move on and be happy and not to worry about her, she was never good for him anyway. Ten years pass and Tanner is a very successful lawyer and engaged to be married. Still wondering about Jade he pushes her memory aside and helps his fiancé plan the wedding. Meanwhile Jade and her husband are about to divorce and her new husband was fighting her in a custody battle of “their” son. Jade loses her son to a man that wasn’t even the father of her baby. But she couldn’t tell anyone that. She begins trying to find a lawyer of her own and fights back. Calling a new law firm, Jade learns that Tanner happens to be one of the lawyers. She sets up an appointment to meet with him about her situation. Tanner could not figure out why she was so mad at him when they met. She was not happy to see Tanner and did not want to talk about anything but the case. Tanner finally breaks down and invites her over for pizza like they always did. Sitting at his house they begin talking about everything. Jade tells him that his mother told her about Justin and Amy. Confused, Tanner asked why his brother’s children had anything to do with their relationship. Mrs. Eastman had lied to keep Jade and Tanner from ever being together again. Jade and Tanner get everything out that had happened over the past ten years. Ready to confront his mother, Tanner goes to see her. Guilt had eaten away at her and she broke down and told Tanner she did lie… and that Ty was actually Tanner’s son. Tanner realizes how much he still loves Jade and that he would never love another woman that way. He breaks of the engagement with his fiancé and focuses on getting Jade custody of THEIR son. Jade wins the court battle and finally, she had the family for her son that she had always wanted.




  1. no--   way to many "co-incidences'" about their meeting in Kelso.  also he just happens to be one of the lawyers at the firm she calls--    not a bad story line though--  few little changes  needed--- then could become one of those lifetime chick flicks........     $10,000 is not enough to buy that kind of silence--...

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