
Could you sell your child?

by  |  earlier

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Today I was watching a documentary type film, I think it was called "China's Stolen Children."

Well, some parents sold their children cause they couldn't afford it. Well, there is NO way I could sell my child. Under no circumstances. I would find a way, I would do something. I couldn't sell him/her, not knowing their future would kill me.

Could you?




  1. I saw one of those shows once.  Some children were sold into slavery and/or brothels.  It was absolutely disgusting.  

    No, I wouldn't ever do that to my child, no matter how desperate I became.  I would literally die before putting my child in that situation.  

  2. that is not all they do . there only allowed one child so normally they choose a male to carry on the name . and we watched i think 2 yrs ago where they put them in these homes where they have all these little girls chain to chairs all day and sit its like a potty with there pants down and then are taken to a bed when there ready to die they starve them . because they cant afford them its awful  

  3. No I could not do it but I have have been there when someone had offered a child for sale  

  4. no i couldn't sell my child or give him or her up for adoption but this is not a third world country and we have different standards  

  5. I would never sell my child. If i knew i couldn't afford to take care of it, i wouldn't have a child. i would whether get my tubes tied.

  6. i couldn't i'll literally kill myself before i would sell a child.

  7. depends on your offer.

    just kidding i could never part with my children.

  8. Obviously we would all die before putting our children in that situation.  Whether we would let our other children (and that child) die before putting one child in that situation is a question that hopefully we'll never have to face.  My kids and I just finished dinner.  It's easy to judge when your circumstances are so vastly different from someone else's.  If none of my kids had eaten in weeks, or a kid was dying from some treatable medical condition that I couldn't afford, and if I'd already done everything I could possibly do to earn money myself, I can imagine being seriously desperate.

  9. No, but  i know someone who did. She got a good bit of money too. But it is immoral and I personally could never do that.

  10. would hope the question would not be relevant

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