
Could you suspend your disbelief?

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I am not a fan of Sci-fi. However my latest project borrows a bit, I suppose. Usually I take a long time to develop a complex plot so I needed to throw everything away and just take a simple approach this time.

I decided the simplest way to start was the classic 'What if...?' set up.

Mine was 'what if a person were to find an omniscient computer?' i.e. a computer that documented everyone and allows the MC to watch any person of her choice.

I know that it sounds cliche. I'm an English major and a moderator at a fanfiction site. I understand cliche.

What I'm wondering is that if that were the only sci-fi element of the novel and I treated the rest as Literary Fiction, making character development and theme the most important part of the writing, could you suspend your disbelief?

The omniscience is only a vehicle for the MC to 'play God' and as an exploration into her observation of human nature, as well as a juxtaposition of human-human relationships with a god-human relationship.

Also, has it been done before? I did some research but I was not able to find anything.




  1. I know I've read a book (other than the ones mentioned) where there's an omniscient computer and the people (kids, maybe) who discover it might be able to see others... I'm thinking it was the premise of a children's or teen's fantasy book.

    But it doesn't matter. Your story would likely be radically different.

    Point is, yes, this would be believable enough for me to suspend my disbelief.

  2. It doesn't sound like suspension of disbelief is required. It's a fantastical plot device, and it's acceptable as such, since it should be obvious to the reader that the interesting thing isn't the technology but the characters being examined.

    I hope that if you do it (if it's not cliche), you won't forget to examine why you choose your MC to watch the people she does watch, at the times she does. Don't forget that the relationships among characters in fiction can symbolize aspects of one self, with relationships among themselves.

    Also, it would be distracting if it just so happened that she doesn't or can't possibly miss something relevant or important. If she's only human she can't see everything at once, and when she sees what matters. It's almost as if the computer has to be a character itself, that processes and reports to her? That'd also be safe as a fantastical device.

  3. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    2001:  A Space Odyssey

    Of course it's been done!  Everything has.

    Oh yeah, Star Trek.

    It's been done, but not by you.  If your character development is good, anyone can "suspend disbelief."

    Just don't resort to Deus ex machina.  Although it might make a serviceable title.

  4. I think it sounds interesting especially if you create a strong character.  The idea of Big Brother watching our every move has been done, but it's a theme many readers enjoy and I think your story has the makings of something really good.  So yes I'd suspend belief for it.  

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