
Could you take birth control on and off?!?

by  |  earlier

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I've been taking b/c for the past 2 months because i had an ovarian cist, and now that it's gone away my mom still wants me to take b/c so i don't get pregnant (obv). I know i should take it, but i want to take like a month break from it because it makes me feel really sick and my periods are VERY irregular. Could i not take it for a month and then start up again?! Or will that s***w everything up?




  1. keep taking it cause your body adjusts to it after about 6 months

  2. it will mess everything all up, you need to go back to the dr and ask to be put on a lighter kind of pills!

    good luck

  3. Be very careful with pills. They tend to completely s***w your hormonal environment when your body changes, and you may end up having really odd permanent side effects. There are also alternative methods of contraception, you may want to look into, like a diaphragm, for instance, and others.

    And then there's also the current government's suggested method - staying away from love life altogether.

  4. I would say as long as your Dr. says it is okay and the cyst treatment is over it would be okay. If switching or going off the birth control make sure you are not sexually active or use protection (condoms always a good idea on or off b/c) .

    Also, there is a wide variety of birth control that won't make you sick. I advise you work with your Dr. and your mom to find the right one for you.

    Here is a quiz from Web MD that may help you choose.*x/birth-control/b...  

  5. If you are taking it irregularly then its not going to stop your from becoming pregnant.

    I think if you want to stay on the pill you should talk to your doctor about the side effects you have been experiencing. I was originally on a monophasic(same level of hormones for the whole 21 days) and they switched me to a tri-phasic pill (three different dosages of the hormone) and it made me feel sick and nauseous and depressed.

    Good luck to you and hope you are feeling better soon!

  6. You need to tell the doc that prescribed it that it makes you feel sick so they can try another brand!

    You will really s***w everything up by taking it off and on, and if you do that you would still need a guy to wear a condom since you are not taking it consistently.

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