
Could you take down 3 Chipotle Burrito's in 1 sitting?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to attempt this challange this weekend against two friends - first to finish gets 7 bucks from the other two (price of another burrito). I was wondering if anyone had accomplished this before personally, i know it's been done on youtube or something, and if so have any strategies? How long do you think it will take me? - i need motivation. Thanks.




  1. lol. Thats sounds really hard! I have never even eaten one hole Burrito in one sitting let alone 3!!! I think you should get a prize like money for a video game or tickets to see a movie not just 7 bucks! I think you should try to eat the first two in 3 min 45 sec but go for 2 min. Don't put a hole lot in you mouth at the first bite or you'll choke or maybe just gag a little but still it would be enough for you to want to spit it all out! Once you got one half of the Burrito gone then I think you should really start to take HUGE bites. Hope I helped and have fun!!!

  2. No. One is plenty.

  3. I can only eat half of one. Good luck!

  4. Starve your self the whole the burritos really fast with water or soda...excuse yourself to the bathroom and PUKE...and your good to go!

  5. Yes i did 4. Just go fast on the first one slower on the 2nd and take all the time on the last. Helps with the metabolism. o and dont drink to much just 2 sips between each burrito

  6. I love Chipotle, but I haven't yet tried that. I will go tomorrow and come bacc to this question and let you know how it went.

  7. Maybe you should take a couple of TUMS before you start, just to prepare your stomach for all that spicy food.

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