
Could you take over a country with lawyers and merchant bankers, instead of invading with military?

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Given the nature of the modern economy and the current era of political correctness and litigation. Military invasion seems unnecessary. Why don't conflicting super powers simply buy or litigate each other out of power?




  1. Not only can you, its been done! The Crooked Politicians (Lawyers most of them) in cahoots with Merchant Bankers and Multinational Corporations through their lackey dogs, the carrion eating Judges, the vulture Lawyers and the maggot Law Enforcers to do their bidding have undermined our once Great Republic and are even now feeding on its rotting remains! We are living in an International Socialist Welfare Police State that entertains the delusions of the people with the trappings of Degenerate Democracy where only the residue of Republic allows us to function at all!

  2. its happening here why are you surprised. this country is not what you think anymore we have been changed when reagan was in power with his trickle down and now we getting P^^^^on

  3. China and some middle east countries already are working on that...buying up banks, companies and even looking at buying public roadways and converting them to toll ways.

  4. Take a very long  hard look at what is happening here in the good old USA.

  5. With Pinky, the Brain has been trying for quite awhile to take over the world...maybe someday he will's more possible now than ever before!

  6. The CIA has a manual how to severely disrupt a country by flooding it with worthless money. There was an Island Nation taken over somewhere. Will make another point that tends to agree with you. Socialism private government control of capital, communism government control of capital, debthism bankers control capital.

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