
Could you tell me about a memory in your life that stands out? It's for something i am working on.?

by  |  earlier

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could you please add th city/state where the memory occurred too.





  1. I grew up in California. I don't know how old I was but I was under 10. I was at the lake in sonoma county near a vineyard and not far from our home. The fields were around me and it was really hot because there wasnt any shade around. I had a bee sting from hanging around the lavender plants. I was had been out there for hours and I was very determined. I was with this boy, a friend of mine named dylan. We had brought a picnic of quesadillas and I remember eating it and then feeling a tug at my hand. I caught my first fish! Thats all I remember. It was very exciting!

  2. I have so many memories that I can't forget in my life time.

    But now I don't remember anything.

    (This is told by a humorist, not by myself) Is it not humour ?

  3. I lost my viginity while that song "Tonight's the Night" by Rod Stewart played  on the radio. Somewhere in Northern Virginia.

  4. Memories of family gathrings in the old city  of Lahore/Pakistan.All the fairytale atmosphere,kind people and marvellous kids who had a lot of freedom.

  5. I remember when i was younger my family and I were sooo excited for our vacation to florida.. we packed all our bags and kept checking the time on the tickets that we actually messed up the date and went the day before to the air port all the way in philadelphia (we live in NJ) and then when we got there the attendant told us we were there a day early. so we drove all the way home and had to drive back up there the next day with all our stuff all over again..  not too crazy but definitly a memory that stands out to me..

  6. When I think I was almost  literally beat to death by my  evil step father when I was about 12, Titusville Florida!!! Wish I could forget that moment!

  7. Well, grad night '07. Orlando, FL

    Why it stands out is because i got to go to diesny all night and i got to hang out with friends and not worry about  having to watch someone. It was awesome i would do that and graduation again(Tampa, Fl). Lol.

  8. OKAY,

    My memory that stands out a LOT is when I moved to Venezuela, I was born in the states but moved there when I was little.

    Born in Florida, moved to Venezuela when I was five. Hope it helps!

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