
Could you tell me more about Hindu?

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For instance, are there daily rituals? What is entailed when going to a temple? What aspects of Hinduism are important?




  1. First of all I will clear your idea of Hindu, there is no such word as Hindu in Vedic text. If you ref ere to any religious book like Shrimad Bhagvat Gita or Shrimad Bhagvatam, you will not find this word Hindu. Instead you will see Arya or Arya putra. We should refer Hindus as Vedic Culture, dislike Muslims, Chris tans, Jew or any other religion , Hindu is not a religion its a culture.

    There are many rituals, but in this modern or i must say in this Iron age, those rituals are minimised.

    I will just give you one e.g. We should get up early in morning before sun rise and that also when you get up from bed, sit on your knee , placed your palm on your face see the palm again recites some mantra, and then get up. There are many such rituals.

    While going in temple you should take a bath and wear washed cloths,should not consume alcohol or meat even egg. While going you should have the feeling of visiting some 1 higher authority and take some fruit or flowers.

    Spiritual aspect of Hinduism is important.

  2. Hindu is not a religion. Its a culture.

  3. Hindu = humanity. Believe in power who created this universe. Do what is Right & Stay away from Wrong deeds.

    Your daily actions will give you results/fruits.

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