
Could you tell me some social activities that your kids participate in during the summer?

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Not church related. Public, private, or homeschooled kids. What clubs are they in during the summer months? thanks




  1. Well, most of our families socializing DOES happen at church related events, thats just happens to be where most of our friends are.  So by deciding that church doesn't count, you've excluded 75% of what we do (we are very active in our church, and can only be in one place at a time).

    Anyway, here are a few things we do that are not associated with Church:

    Swim lessons


    Park Days

    Library programs

  2. The YMCA in our area provides an awesome summer program, they have scheduled activities, meals (breakfast, lunch & snacks), field trips once a week, arts & crafts, swimming...  There is also a program with the Boys & Girls Club although we have not tried it some I know have and enjoyed it very much.

  3. Sure, my homeschooled daughter is on the YMCA swim team so she will be doing that, plus a few swim meets. She is also a US Naval Sea Cadet and will be attending two 2 week long trainings -one in Great Lakes called Operations Specialist, and the other in Kings Bay, GA, called Submarine Seminars. She does martial arts 3 x a week as well, yoga and circuit training at the Y, and is a teen attorney in the county teen court program. She also runs a county wide teen  political club so she will be very involved with that.

  4. My 2 kids are hs'd teens and during the summer they go to a few camps and do the community theater play.  Other hs'ers tend to be more available during the summer,so we have more game days and field trips.

  5. I'm homeschooled in 11th grade and this summer I'll be...

    - Spending a week in St. Augustine with my boyfriend and a friend of ours, visiting the Fountain of Youth, Lighthouse, Beaches, and lots of historical museums

    - Going up to Tallahassee to help him and a few friends entering college get settled in their apartments

    - Going with friends to the National Federation of the Blind's National Convention in Dallas, Texas

    - Attending one of LeadAmerica's Congressional Student Leadership Conferences. I'll be going to the Engineering/Robotics one for 10 days

    - Volunteering at a childrens Science day camp.

    - Volunteering with the library's summer reading club

    - Participating in the library's teen reading club

    - Attending an athletics camp for blind highschool students at Florida Gulf Coast University for a week. We'll be playing goal ball, soccer, judo, swimming, basketball, beep baseball, kiyaking, rock climbing, and lots more

    - I'll continue my weekly guitar lessons when I'm home

    - I'll also be continuing with my fencing class when I am at home.

    - I'll be taking an art class at a local studio I just learned how to get to later in the summer. I haven't made up my mind yet, but it will either be in ceramics or silversmithing.

    - I'll be doing a lot of unstructured activities too. I plan to spend lots of time at a local water park

    - I'm going to visit the Thomas Alva Edison winter estate

    - There's a science museum and a planetarium I've been meaning to visit, so I'll likely get some friends together and do that.

    - A locol ecological park holds swamp tours in the summer. I did this once when I was younger, but I think it would be fun to get a group of friends together and go on a swamp expedition. You get into the water up to your chest and there's lots to explore. You're right up close with birds and bugs and all the swamp life. It's beautiful!

    I still think it's funny that the anti-homeschoolers who push socialization stay away from questions like this. Don't you

    YSN reminded me. I too am going to be continuing a lighter study routine durring the summer... Well, if you can call just grabbing every educational opportunity I get and occasionally working on PreCalculous (We've decided to take the plunge and finally try MathUSee since they've got tactile manipulatives like what we've been using) and one of those K'nex based curriculums for Physics/Applied Math/Technology

  6. Let's see.

    Art classes.

    Performing arts.

    Horseback riding.

    Sewing classes.

    Park day twice per week.

    Hanging out with friends.

    Reading program at public library.

  7. Summer library program

    Cake decorating and cooking classes


    Scouts (lots)


    Park play days


  8. I'm a homeschool student (10th) annd during the summer i'm in an acting club. I'm also thinking about going to an archaeological camp for a week (thats what I'm interested in doing for my career),

    I take piano year round too.

    You should check out Odyssey of the Mind for you kid. It's SO fun for any age. Here's a link:

    There is also a website for the OM for all of the fifty states. Just type in Odyssey of the Mind (your state) in the search engine.

  9. Well I don't have kids but I'll try to help you out.



    Going to the pool

    going to the movies with friends


    going to friends houses

    thats about all i can think of right now..


  10. Summer fun, Sports team, YWCA, Boys and Girls club.

  11. Homeschooled son:

    4-H activities


    A camp or two - this year Patrick Henry

    Family trip (D.C. this year)

    Normal kid stuff: going to movies with friends, spending time outdoors, hiking, fishing...

    Also - we are continuing with a light learning schedule through the summer this year (Spanish mostly and a little history).

    ***UPDATE: Forgot about weekly "Extreme Frisbee" and weekly hs get-together at a local park.

  12. Camp

    Fitness Club


    Swim Group


    Book club

    Libray fun club

    Make your own jewlery club

  13. Usually we join the summer reading club at the library and that's about it.  They have events all summer long.  We go to the zoo at least once as well as the children's museum.  Both are great places where we live.  My oldest goes to visit his grandparents in July.

  14. Summer daycamp for one week (it's a daycamp that offers specific educational themes for specific weeks). Playdates/sleepovers with cousins and friends. Homeschool park days once a week. Family get-togethers (usually about 4 for July and August--all cousins are there!). Swimming lessons. Might do soccer "camp" this year.

  15. I'll be sleeping, and reading.

    Same as all year round.


  16. My HS'ed son does...

    *summer track

    *zoo camp

    *Exploravision team

    *4H park days

    *fun learning days w/ other HS'ers

    *swimming lessons

    *5K runs

    *family vacation

    *and you said no church, but it's an intregal part - church camp & VBS

    *we also continue with our existing courses, and do other fun ones like music

    EDITED TO ADD:  Oh, "hsmomlovinit" reminded me that he'll do two libraries' summer reading programs.

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