
Could you tell me the bad things and the good things about Ameriacan universities??

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Could you tell me the bad things and the good things about Ameriacan universities??




  1. the experience of being there...

    the sceneries...(Nebraska, Kansas)

  2. You have to be more specific.

  3. I think that the good things are that there are some that are ranked in the top 10 universities in the world. They're also pretty famous, like Harvard, MIT, Yale etc. I'm sure you'll learn some useful things there. :)

    However, they're in the US, hehe. They're also NOT cheap and difficult to get admitted.

    I'm thinking of staying in Hong Kong where I live because of the math standards, Asian = super awesome math skills. :D

  4. will there are kids who go to college to succeed and there are the kids who go to college to get jurnk gut when i get to college im going to do both. so that my parents dont waste their money just so i can flunk!

    but to answer your question i dont know! LoL

  5. Bad - run by liberals.

    Good - you can still get a good education if you don't listen to the politics.

  6. Good:

    They will send you to the Writing Center to learn how to spell.

    The Professors care about the students.

    Safety and security measures are being put in place.

    Long history of quality education.

    Their alumni have molded the world.


    They fail to fully design buildings to ease barricades to the handicapped.

    Never enough scholarships and grants.

    Political-correctness runs too many of the agendas, programs.

    Enrollment quotas denies education to many.


    Become a Professor or Administrator to make a difference!

  7. They all suck.

  8. Depending on where you are from, if you are an international student, an American degree can be beneficial if:

    1. you want to work in the US

    2. you want to work in a predominantly non-English speaking country, as the degree shows a level of English proficiency.

    -Bad, well it's expensive to study in the US and getting more so every year.

  9. i do not prefer american universities and i do not know about them. i would prefer indian universities at any cost.

  10. Good:

    - Decent level of education

    - State of the art technology in most universities

    - New and improved methods of study due to the technology.

    - Highly educated  and experienced professors as well as many highly respected guest speakers who visit.

    - So many opportunites to live and work in the U.S. - if you pick an appropiate major.

    - Degrees which are recognized and pretty much transferable the world over.


    - Expensive for international students

    - Can only work on campus for 20 hours per week

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