
Could you tell me the pros and cons of the privatized Health Insurance?

by Guest62948  |  earlier

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Could you tell me the pros and cons of the privatized Health Insurance?




  1. Pro's

    shorter wait times as people will be able to pay for better health care else where if they want to, instead of clogging up the local systems wait lists.

    You have control and you are not stuck doing what the governement tells you they will give you.


    It costs more money than the free health care (if you are in Canada).

    This is always a debate about socialism really...The unmotivated or lower income earners don't want it becuase they don't want to get left behind and the motivated or rich want it because they don't want other people in the way of something they need and can afford.  The lower earners tend to be the 'share the wealth' types and the rich tend to be the 'I've worked hard for my money, so I'll decide what to do with it, not someone else'.

  2. Canada look into it

  3. This is an enormous question.  

    However, it is important to point out that the US and MOST countries have hybrid systems, with elements of both government and private coverage. In the US, about 40% of healthcare costs of paid by government programs; via medicare, medicaid, VA, gov. employees, etc.

    The government percentage of costs is higher elsewhere, but base income tax rates are usually in the 50% range on income earners in order to support these benefits.  

    Over the last 100 years, it has generally been physicians that have lobbied to kept the US system mostly private.  

    In general, private systems are distinguished by having a great deal more choice in benefits and coverages. Medicare is a good example of a heavily regulated, nearly all government funded system, with private companies providing most of the actual benefits, provider negotiation and claims payment.

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