
Could you work for min wage or would you sign on

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if you are single you are actually worse off working than on benefits, and alot of these jobs that pay min wage are tescos and macdonalds that make a fortune




  1. It all depends on you personally. many people would go for the benefit but some people would like to earn their own living. I would rather work for min wage than living on benefits (and keep on trying to change life)

  2. They aren't ever going to pay you high are they,

    but times are rough ahead with price inflation so go to college and get a job with it

    then whe you have your qualies apply somewhere big and work your way to the top and earn more money:)

  3. I would much rather get a job, signing on is over-rated. Signing on involves sitting in your house all day watching TV, and doing very little else. It sounds good to begin with but believe me it gets boring.

    Even doing a job for minimum wage you get a feeling of independence, and at least it feels you are making at least a small contribution to the world.

    Minimum wage in the UK is around £5.50 for adults, which you'll find is more than you'll get more signing on. Try searching "Job Seekers Allowance" in Google, there's a lot of information there.

  4. I'd rather work mininum wage than to sit at home at collect public assistance. The bible says "a man who doesn't work, doesn't eat". I think everybody who is old enough and able to work, should work.  

  5. The way the economy is headed I think we'll all be grateful to have even a job that pays minimum wage.

  6. I would work as a busgirl at a restaurant for a few months, and then ask for a promotion to waitressing. If I didn't get it, I'd leave. Servers make really good money, but it's hard to get a server job in some cities unless you've already been a reliable host or busboy.

    If minimum wage were the only option, I'd rather welfare it up.

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