
Could your memory be improved ?

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could your memory be improved like forcing yourself to remember what you just read in perfect order. i mean is it a cognitive thing like forcing yourself to ride a bike with no hands and eventually after all that practice it happens and you can ride with no hands without you not even knowing the science of how it happened.




  1. I agree with "Shaman" that "forcing" yourself is not the way to think about improving your memory.  It's also true that paying active attention to what is being said to you is also a great idea.  I've done a number of podcast episodes on the topic of mnemonics and you might find them helpful.  Here's one:

    I summarize some of the major mnemonic strategies in this episode.  I think you'll find it helpful


    Host of The Psych Files podcast

    Subscribe in iTunes

  2. Yes it can....  But "forcing" it to work may not be the best approach.  In fact, that may be counter-productive.

    First of all, if you pay attention, you will notice that much of the information you can't remember is information you aren't "paying enough attention to" in the first place.  Perhaps you really weren't listening or focusing on something someone was telling you.  

    Second, you will also notice that you more easily remember information that holds meaning to you.  (Remembering a phone number or other abstract information is usually so difficult because in and of itself it holds little meaning.  Just a string of characters or numbers.)  However, you can use mneumonic tricks to give it more meaning and thus make it more memorable.  

    Check out these links:

    It does take practice and effort, but keep it fun too.

    Good luck.

  3. yeah, your memory can be improved. like in brain age. :D, but  yeah if you train your mind hard enough it will do what your trying to do.

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