
Could youu ever survive without eyeglasses if you needed them?

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Could youu ever survive without eyeglasses if you needed them?




  1. Your eyesight would slowly get worse, but it's not that hard to see without them unless you have absolutely horrid eyesight. Even then you can just squint.

  2. You would survive with out them.  The world would just be a blurry place and you may have to get a closer or further from an object to view it better depending on what type of visual correction you needed.

  3. of course

    what do you think people did in the old days when glasses weren't around?

  4. Yah!

    It's not like we'd die.

    The world would be harder to deal with because of sight issues, but we would still live!

    And the person who said you could still squint, ummm, that's WRONG, because I have really bad eyesight (almost dub digits) and squinting doesn't help....

    Contacts aren't glasses, but that would be cheating!

  5. Of course you could. having a refractive error is not a life threatening problem.

  6. I could do it but it would be very dangerous. There is no way I could drive my car at night without my glasses. Everything is so blurry that I lose my depth perception and can't tell how far away other drivers are.

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