
Couldn't We Have Done Better Than These Two?

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I'm a moderate who always votes for the more moderate candidate. The problem is I have trouble caring about either one of what we've ended up with.

Eight years ago I admired and respected John McCain enough to campaign for him when I lived in Texas. He was a true moderate among a party going too far right. But it seems McCain sold out his scruples long ago and with all the flip-flopping who knows what he really believes these days?

As far as Obama, I honestly can't say anything bad about the guy because I honestly don't know the guy. Even after watching him tonight I still don't know him.

The point is, I would have voted for Hillary (actually a moderate) or Rudy (another moderate) or Huckabee (hardly a moderate, but at least I know he wouldn't lie to us).

The point is, couldn't we have done better, America? Or do we get what we deserve?

Who would you have preferred?




  1. Well as the Geeks used to say, Politic is not Romance! It is all about your situation at the moment. If you are poor and struggling, old and depending on a fixed income, young and trying to get a good education, sick and trying to get medical care, running a small business and trying to succeed, it is only smart for you to vote for the Democrats. If you are a Corporate magnate or a very wealthy person, it is better for you to vote Republican. All those issues like Religion and other moral beliefs only serve to confuse and divide the voters. In the end, smart people vote for their "pocket book".  

  2. Great question!  I am a conservative and I must admit I am not a fan of McCain, but I will vote for him because I feel he is a better candidate by far.  I agree with more of his policies than Obama and he has more experience.  Obama has none.

    In the preliminaries I initially supported Giuliani, but as I started to learn more about the candidates, I fully backed Romney.  I'm still hoping that Romney is chosen for the VP candidate.

    I also agree with you on Huckabee, he is a genuine guy with good values, but I can't stand Hillary.  She is just so abrasive and I find her fake.

    Aside from what could have been, my main issue with Obama is how he is preaching change.  He wants a fresh America and yada yada.  However, he choses Biden as his running mate who has been a Senator since Obama was 11 years old. much for change.  If you want change, choose Hillary (even though I despise her) or someone that hasn't been part of the stagnant senate and congress.  

    He only chose him to boost his "experience" but has managed to contradict his change platform.  Ugh, politicians suck.

    But I'm still supporting McCain 100%.

    Again, great question, thanks!

  3. could you please explain to me how you don't know Obama, yet do know Hillary?

    is it just that she's been in the spotlight longer? Or did you have tea with her?

    and how is HIllary more of a moderate than Obama?

    I've heard many people say these things... yet I'm not sure if I've ever got an explanation? Is it just a gut feeling? I've looked at the issues and I don't really see how Hillary is so much more moderate than Obama?

    I'm an Obama supporter who just watched his speeches and agreed with what he said... more than I personally agreed with what McCain and Hillary said...

    I also watched HIllary and McCain's speeches... I don't "know" any of them... just what I see on TV and looking at their platforms?

    EDIT: you may want to look at the particulars of that study that said Obama was the most liberal... it wasn't on all the votes... just the one's they chose? and just so happens that McCain didn't vote enough in the votes they chose to be ranked?

    sounds like some cherry picking to me... why not just use all the votes?

  4. well for me Huckabee was a no no . i like the man but he was a lousy governor of our state. Hillary yes would have made a good president, rudy i lliked very much. he did a heck of a job handling new york after 9/11. but romney was my origional choice, love the guy

    that is why i hope and pray Mccain picks him, i been a fan of mccain also and i have never heard in any of his speeches flip or flop about anything, hes always endorsed a tough stance on his military policy and defense, hes no whimp when it comes to our enemies and that is the main job of the president is to protect and defend america, on that he will do a great job!

  5. Ron Paul, one of the only truly honest politicians that wants what's best for America instead of his own personal gain. And he adheres to that thing that is suppose to guide our government, the Constitution.

    Which both parties have all but forgotten about, and pay lip service to when it's expedient.

    My other choice would have been Fred Thompson, another true limited government conservative and State's rights advocate.

    g: Obama a moderate??? Seriously, the guy is a Marxist, and had the most liberal voting record in the Senate in 2007.... and that's moderate? Not to mention his far far left associations with people like America hating William Ayers.

  6. Nope.

  7. ………………..,-~*’`¯lllllll`*~,

















  8. I like Hillary and trust her when she said: We should vote for Obama.

  9. I would have preferred Ron Paul..I will vote for McCain not because he's my favorite, but because he'll at least let me keep my guns when America goes to h**l.

    We're screwed with either candidate,but at least McCain will allow me the right to defend myself when America crashes and the looters run wild.

  10. Those who are best able to lead this country don't run.  And those who run are least able to effectively lead the country.  I would have put a lot of time and effort into a Paul/Gravel ticket.  And not just because I'm a Libertarian.  I actually think Gravel, with a more moderate tone, would have done pretty well with Paul as a VP.  That's change you can believe in.  But what we really need to do is go find a crazy successful CEO of a medium large company and drag him into the oval office.  Make him run the country like an engineering firm.  Then we'll see the government at least approach efficiency.

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