
Couldnt figue out how to ask but if I try to carefully shave over dry skin will I get a close shave ?

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or will I just be better off to heal the dry skin and then once the dry skin is gone I'll get a closer shave then I would trying to shave over dry skin?




  1. It is better to moisturize dry skin and try shaving.  I am not sure what area you are shaving so this advice depends but....

    To shave your face or legs when extremely dry:

    Shower/wash the skin

    Allow the steam from the bathtub/ shower water to open your pore

    Apply good hypoallergenic moisturizer

    Use baby oil as a shaving cream with a new razor blade in razor.

    If you shave super dry skin, you will be more susceptible to get razor burn and nicks

    Also a good idea to treat dry skin is to use a homemade sugar & honey scrub to ex foliate the skin.  Just mix a about one cub of regular granulated sugar into 1/3 cup of honey.  Use this natural scrub to wash your dry skin.  After this, moisturize well.  This is a great home remedy that sells for big bucks in health food stores.  Good luck!


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