
Coumadin question......?

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I am on coumadin for a mitral valve replacement and was diagnosed with restless legs syndrome. What meds are safe to take? Doc didn't give prescription yet, as he said he needed to do research on what is compatible.




  1. How was your restless leg syndrome diagnosed.  Did you have a sleep study? The usually prescribe Klonazipam, but I think the Dr. who diagnosed your restless leg syndrome should be ordering the medication as Coumadin has MANY drug interactions..

  2. Hello,

    I had my aortic valve replaced last year (with a mechanical valve) and so I also take Coumadin.  It is a tricky drug and I would recommend learning as much about it as you can.  Get your INR checked regularly and keep it in the range directed by your doctor (for me it is 2.5 to 3.5).  There are many foods that have an anti-effect on Coumadin and others that have an amplification effect on it.  Anti-effecting foods include those high in Vitamin K -- brocoli, alfala sprouts, spinach, etc, etc.  Those that have an amplication effect are those like grapefruit.  You can still eat these foods, however you need to eat them consistently so that you take the correct dose of Coumadin to offset what you eat.  The best is to read online about Coumadin and you will learn as you go :)

  3. ask him about reqip or the generac ropinirolei had a stroke and that is what they put me on but ask your doctor first

  4. if that requires reseach by your Dr you should just wait for an answer from him, or do your own research, not depend on answers from this website for any reliable information. and are good sites for consumer research

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