
Council Tax Reduction Advice?

by  |  earlier

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Someone has told me that as they have Epilepsy, they receive a 20%discount on their council tax, as they are classed as a severly mentally impaired person.

This does not sound quite right to me as they are a car driver, and their seizures are controlled with medication. They have also been seizure free for the past three years.

Is this person not entitled to the discount, and should they have updated the authorities that their conditioning is improving?




  1. Epilepsy sufferers are not severely mentally impaired.  You don't get a council tax reduction if you are.  Epileptics need to reapply for their licence every three years and prove they have not had a fit in that time.  Epileptics who only suffer seizure's in their sleep are allowed to drive.

  2. I know somebody who has epilepsy and they don't get a reduction on their Council Tax. I have never heard of it.

  3. What would you have to gain from reporting them? It's probably best to mind you own business.

  4. ive never herd of that discount, the only one ive herd of is the single persons discount.

    but if there is a discount and this person is improving then they shouldnt get it.

    im pretty sure an epileptic shouldnt be driving, cos of the risk of seizures while driving

  5. It is possible to get a reduction for certain long term / cronic conditions but this is usually if the house has been modified to assist (i.e. an extras room or something) and has then been pushed up a band.

    Suspect your 'friend' is winding you up

  6. It is possible for someone with a severe mental disability to be disregarded for council tax purposes (just as full time students are disregarded). To be disregarded for Council Tax purposes the person must obtain a certificate from their GP confirming that they have a severe mental disability plus also be in receipt of one of a number of defined benefits.

    Hence, before you do anything else you might want to check whether you are medically qualified to determine if someone has a specific mental disability ;-)

  7. I have never heard of this discount.  However, if they are able to drive and work, then obviously the local authority should have been advised.

  8. report them, we're all paying too much council tax because of people who lie to get theirs lower.

  9. This gives you the guidleines for reductions in CT :

    Epilepsy is "not severe mental impairment"

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