
Council sent same letter?

by  |  earlier

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i posted a similar question the other day, asking what to do cos the council hadnt replied to my offer letter and cheque for repayment of my council tax arrears.

they sent me 2 of the exact same letters today, stating a final demand for full payment no mention of my letter agreeing or disagreeing to my monthly repayment offer.

what should i do? they cashed my cheque. the letter says final demand before bailiff action.

im worried in case a bailiff comes round and takes my car, can they do that? its on my driveway i dont have a garage.

could they do that even though i have made an offer to repay?




  1. Like many over due payment the debtor often leave it to late before doing the inevitable, I would ring them and explain they might withdraw the bailiff but there could be cost involved, next time sort in earlier.

  2. Once an account has been defaulted on and a summons issued then the council will proceed to get  liability order regardless unless you pay the charge in full by the court date.

    The reason they will get the Liability Order regardless is that  it is their insurance against any default that is made.

    The council are under no legal liability to accept any payment offer you make - they can refuse any offer they deem unsuitable. Many councils will not make arrangement and will issue all accounts straight to a bailiff.

    The bailiff can seize your car against any balance due.

  3. As your cheque has been cashed it will be paid against your arrears and the case closed. You have the cheque stub so take a copy of it and mail it to the council with a note asking for a copy of you account showing the payment has been made. Do not worry - check your bank statement too when you receive it............ DON'T THROW ANYTHING AWAY.

    Sometimes payments and letters get crossed, you send payment and before they receive it thay have already sent another letter.

  4. no they cant and wont take your car,but if this case is now in the hands of the bailiffs thee council will not take your payments,but the bailiffs will take monthly or weekly payments from you,once they have been round to see you and assed you

  5. Contact the coucil again asking for a reciept for the money you have paid, and if they have recieved your letter and are they willing to accept repayments. as long as you stick to the agreement, things should be fine, keep the cheque stup ready incase the bailiffs do come, but i doubt they will take your car, although they will want a payment if thats what they are asked to collect from you and the council are within their rights not to accept any repayments by you, as they have taken court action to recover what you owe.

  6. Very often,these letters are automatically sent by a computer rather than an actual person. The fact that they cashed your cheque tho is a concern,because this means that the computer should've been updated.

    Check if the date of the letter is before the date the money left your account.

    Then I would give the office a phonecall and demand that you speak to somebody about why your cheque has been cashed but all you are receiving is final demands instead of an acknowlegement.

    You may need to arrange a meeting face to face with a member of staff there so that you can put your arrangement into action.

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