
Council tax arrears been passed to bailiffs,but also my employer has been sent attachment of earnings request?

by  |  earlier

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I have council tax arrears, my employer has been sent a letter saying he has to take money off my wages until it is paid off, which i have started doing. But then i got a letter from a bailiff company saying they are going to come and take all my stuff if i don't pay the debt for council tax. It is a different amount to what my employer received. They're saying i have to pay £329 by 28th which i obviously cant do, and i've got less time to sort it as it's bank holiday. I was going to say to them i will pay £40 a week or something but i don't know if i can. I haven't even got time to go to the council and find out why there's 2 payments to be made as they are going to come and take all my stuff and i have a young son. I know i shouldn't have got in this mess but i'm trying to sort it. How can i earn a quick £300 or where can i get a loan for that amount. I'm really scared i'm going to come home from work that day and all my stuff will be gone




  1. Ring the bailiff company and arrange an interview. They will come out and see you. To arrange seizure of your wages at source they already have a court order.

    The bailiff will negotiate, they want money not goods. Most likely one of the bills is a processing mistake that can be sorted out with dialogue.

    Don't go for the loan option that just makes matters worse.

  2. you need to get down to your citizens advice beauru and quickly.  By the sounds of this, they must have been chasing you for a while so you should have sorted it out earlier.

    Is there no way you can take £300 off your credit card?  I realise its a big deal, but if you were to pay £80 a month back, then it would only take 4 months to pay off and it wouldnt be that much intrest, better than coming home to find your stuff has been taken.

    If you dont have a credit card, you can apply for one online and they'll give you an answer straight away.

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