

by  |  earlier

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I am counting down days until something, and wanted a unique, special, ineresting thing to do each day to make the time go faster. A different thing each (for example, if there were 100 days,) on day 99 i make an origami crane, day 98 I write a poem... etc.




  1. Go to an art show, spend a take taking pictures, volunteer at a soup kitchen, pick up trash at the park, so watch the sunset, go get ice cream with a friend, have a movie marathon, cook a mean from scratch, plant something, read a book, people watch, go see a play,  go see a band you've never heard of, walk around down town at lunch time, go some where just to open the door for people, call someone you left off on bad terms with and apologize even if you don't think you where wrong, ask your parents what it was like when they were young, at your grandparents what it was like when they were young, spend a day at an animal shelter, go to a flea market, make a photo calage, go through your baby book, write a letter to yourself in ten years....

  2. first day- take 5 wild pics of urself and send them to ur buds

    second day- write a poem about animals

    third day- mak an ABC Book of ur fav book and turn it in 4 extra credit in reading!!!!!

    fourth day- make as many orgami cranes as u can in 5 min.

    fifth day-run for 45 minutes

    sixth day-answer 10 questions on yahoo answers in 5 min

    seventh day- eat 7 different fruits

    eighth day-flirt with every cute guy u see anywhere

    ninth day-be artistic draw wild abstract pics all day

    tenth day-listen 2 all the songs on ur ipod/mp3 player in order!!!!!!!!!!!!
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