
Counting Calories? I am new to this. A little help Please?

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So I have never counted Calories before but now I am starting a new diet and a little more health conscience. So I want to count my calorie intake. So If I have fruit, veggies how do you count that.

For example today I had a

Breakfast: slimfast (190 c) and a orange

Lunch: Smart Ones Penne Pasta (320c) and watermelon

and I have had a glass of green tea and bottled water

So so far what is my calorie Intake?

Also I used to drink coffee and mountain dew on a regular basis but have gave it up and now get what I think is a caffine headache, Should I continue to stay away and the headaches will fade or is it ok to have one a day?




  1. If you didn't put any sugar or milk into your tea then so far you have had 570 calories. Try to aim for 1,200 calories a day.

    Make sure when you check out calories that you also look at serving size. A good site I would recommend to check out calories in certain foods is or Both very very good and helpful sites.

    As for the headaches take some asprin and I would let myself have at least 1 cup of coffee a day. It won't hurt you and its certainly better then dealing with those headaches. Just make sure if you add anything into your coffee to add the calories into that.

    Good luck with everything! :)

  2. You can find all kinds of calorie counters on the internet that have the caloric intake of the portions you're eating. How much watermelon did you eat? Did you eat a large orange? All of the calorie counters normally will tell you how many carbs, protein grams, and fat grams are in everything.

    Just because fruit is healthy and vegetables are healthy, they all have calories, some a lot more than others. Naturally occurring sugar in fruits is still a carbohydrate, so while they're very important in your diet, don't gorge on them or overeat.

    Drink water a lot throughout the day as well, water is extremely important to all functions of your body, including weight loss.

    Be sure to take a multi-vitamin as well, and getting daily exercise.

  3. not good with the calorie counting so will leave that one for someone else more knowlegable to answer but as far as the caffine headaches go...keep staying away. they can last up to 3 weeks but get better and better everyday. replace those drinks with water, and lots of it, you will soon be reaping the benefits...

    well done with all your hard work


  4. Just keep count of your caloric intake.

    If you don't lose weight..lower it.

    You are having caffiene withdrawls..will last about 1-2 weeks.

    You will lose 10 pounds just from excluding pop.

    Start your caloric count at approx. 1000 per day

    You have the right idea...fruit and vegs...HUGS!!

  5. You might want to pick up a Calorie-counter book at the grocery check-out.  Watch your fat grams and your sugar intake - it's more important than calories.

    Some Smart Ones are loaded with fat because of the starch and cheese.

    You can have one or two cups of coffee.  Drink water or flavored water instead of Mountain Dew.  

  6. Hi, I count my calories with Health Tracker on . I input my daily food intake and it tells me how much protein, fat, and carbs I've eaten, plus how many calories I burned with exercise.

    I find this really helpful in keeping to a healthy diet.

  7. Good morning,

    I can't really help you too much with the calorie counting because it has been too long since I last did it.  With regards to the coffee/caffeine thing, you should really check out this tea that I used to accelerate my fat loss and keep the weight off.  It has a slight amount of caffeine in it so you will no longer get the headaches and you will be losing weight at the same time.  Hope this helps.

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