
Countires touch the border the mediterranean sea?

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malta , libya, italy, bulgaria




  1. Egypt, , Albania Algeria Greece Turkey Tunisia Croatia Bosnia Herzegovina Cyprus France Spain Morocco Montenegro Monaco

  2. Greece, Spain,

  3. erm...  malta does not touch the border of the mediterranean...  it is in the MIDDLE of it.

    libya and italy do form a border of the mediterranean : italy in the north in the midline and libya in the south in the middle too.

    bulgaria does not form a border!

    hope this helped!

  4. malta is an island in the centre of the Mediterranean sea,sourrounded by the sea.

  5. Spain, France, Monacco, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Monte *****, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Libya, Egypt, Tunesia, Morocco, Bulgaria,

    There might be a few more.

    Monte Ne_gro

  6. spain, france, monaco, italy, malta(state), slovenia, croatia, bosnia and herzogovina, montenegro, albania, greece, turkey, cyprus, syria, lebanon, israel, (palestine - gaza), egypt, lybia, tunisia, algeria, morocco

  7. bosnia doesn't even have the seacoast,well it does,20 km's of Adriatic sea,that doesn't even count!

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