
Countries of the world???

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Does anyone know how many countries are there on Earth?




  1. Concrete number is up for debate.

    but nearest "good number"  is:195 totally self governing areas.

    several disputed areas

    several possessions

  2. 193 states with general international recognition:

    192 member states of the United Nations (UN).

  3. Most sources say 195, the U.N has 192 members,(independent realms), but it doesn't include Vatican City or Kosovo.

    The U.S state department recognizes 194 countries as independent, but political issues and allies have to do a lot with that.

    The one that's not counted is- Taiwan.

    It used to be part of the U.N but now it has been replaced by the People's Republic of China, (actually it was replaced in 1971).

    But as Taiwan sees itself as independent and insists recognition, it has been recognized by most countries though.

    But it only matters what you think about this, should it count or should it not.

    So it's between 194 and 195 independent countries of the world.

  4. no one really knows how many countries there are on this crazy planet becuase new countries are formed everyday, just like that.

    and the CIA factbook estimates the total to be close to around 790,000.

    also, they estimate the population to be close to 452 billion.

    asia has the most people in their continent, with 451.5 billion people, leavig 0.5 billion people to live in other continents.

  5. Go To

    and count them....

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