
Countries still under emperors rule?

by Guest57096  |  earlier

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please name them




  1. According to the "Emperor's Clothes" website, which makes a lot of sense, the White House is the emperor, and the US and its clients are countries still under emperors rule. Besides this, Japan, which used to be n**i Germany's client state, and later became a client state of the US, is officially ruled by an emperor.

  2. It used to be Russia, but I think that Japan today is...

  3. Japan has an Emperor but since the post-war constitution the Emperor is an honorific position and not the Head of State;  technically, Japan does not have a head of state.

    Also, the Pope, as head of state of the Vatican, has long since had the rank of Emperor, since the 800's.

  4. Japan is the only country in the world that still has an "emperor" as the country's monarch and head of state. The Emperor tennō literally "heavenly sovereign" is the head of the Japanese Imperial Family. Under Japan's present constitution, the Emperor is the "symbol of the state and the unity of the people," and is a ceremonial figurehead in a constitutional monarchy.

    The current emperor is His Imperial Majesty the Emperor Akihito, who has been on the Chrysanthemum Throne since his father Emperor Shōwa (Hirohito) died in 1989. Today he is the only remaining emperor on the throne in the world.

    The role of the emperor of Japan has historically alternated between that of a supreme-rank cleric with largely symbolic powers and that of an actual imperial ruler. An underlying imperial cult (the idea of Arahitogami) regards the emperor as being descended from gods. Until 1945, the Japanese monarchs had always been, officially, military commanders. However, contrary to the usual role of a Western monarch, they did not practically function as such. Japanese emperors have nearly always been controlled by other political forces, to varying degrees.


  5. Akihito of Japan is the only current reigning Emperor. The only other person who was an Emperor recently was Jean Bokassa in the now Central African Republic. He took over in a coup and named himself Bokassa I of the Central African Empire back in the late 1970's or early 1980's. He has long since been deposed.

  6. The only one I can think of is Japan.

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