
Countries with successful ecotourism???

by Guest58397  |  earlier

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can you tell me some of them?




  1. The definition of ecotourism is broad and contentious... If you are simply talking about a tourist who partakes in some local activities, learns about nature in a rainforest walk or throws his aluminum cans into a recycling bin then there are a million and one ecotourism destinations. however to really "take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but foot prints" its near impossible... The food a tourist consumes, the carbon footprint he leaves simply travelling by plane or car and the clean water he drinks out of a plastic bottle will have an impact on the enivronment in a negative aspect. Back to the questions... if a country is able to minimize the harmful effects of tourism (recycling, human powered transport) and promotes its natural attractions then it can be considered successful... Taking a tourist in a 4WD on safari followed by a hot air balloon ride and buffet dinner at a 5* "eco lodge" in the wilderness is not successful ecotourism... You wanna know a real place with successful ecotourism??? It might just be the corner of the block park where people walk, cycle or skate to and just sit on the grassy lawns under the tree and breathe in the fresh air... (if there's any...)


  2. For many countries, ecotourism is not simply a marginal activity to finance protection of the environment but as a major industry of the national economy. For example, in places such as Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nepal, Kenya, Madagascar, and Antarctica, ecotourism represents a significant portion of the gross domestic product and economic activity.

    The concept of ecotourism is widely misunderstood, and in practice is often used as a marketing tool to promote tourism that is related to nature. Critics claim that ecotourism as practiced and abused often consists of placing a hotel in a splendid landscape, to the detriment of the ecosystem. According to them, ecotourism must above all sensitize people with the beauty and the fragility of nature. They condemn some operators as “greenwashing” their operations; using the label of “green-friendly”, while behaving in environmentally irresponsible ways.

    Although academics disagree about who can be classified as an ecotourist[6] and there is precious little statistical data, some estimate that more than five million ecotourists - the majority of the ecotourist population - come from the United States, with others from Western Europe, Canada, and Australia.

    Currently there are various moves to create national and international ecotourism accrediation programs[7], although the process is also controversial. Ecotourism certificates have been put in place at Costa Rica, although some critics have dismissed these programs as greenwashing.

  3. Many countries

    in Africa,


    the amazon region.

    check my blog the entry

    Animals and people about 4 down is something on Eco tourism

    One of the few ways in which we can safe guard Nature in a sustainable way

    for many countries the concept has been a life saver for both the people and nature .And is regarded as the main industry

    such as Kenya .and parts of South Africa

    But this works all around the globe in Many places

    to Javo the places in Africa are so big the parts that people frequent are less than marginal .not even a fraction,the pollution is nothing compared to say a safari park in England

    Check on my page how much money and benefits gets plowed back into the system including the local people.

    And the Animals would be hunted into extinction in NO time by poverty and poaching if the parks did not exist.

  4. many countries have eco tourism. brazil, kenya, south africa even the Galapagos islands. but in reality they are not as eco friendly as you might believe. tourism is an unnatural balance of humans in one given area. afterall how do the tourists get to the eco friendly places (airplanes cars... that cause huge amounts of pollution). i would focus on eco friendly parks and preserves rather than countries. the US and Canada have many.

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