
Country Club allowing high school kids to serve alcohol- legal question.

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My sister works at the snack shack at a country club in Delaware County, Ohio. She is only 17 and the manager has been having her serve alcohol. I know that to serve in a restaurant you have to be 19, but was not sure if there were different laws and regs for the club since it is private. Needless to say, I was not pleased when my little sister told me she was serving beer and mixing drinks for customers. Can someone tell me if it is legal or not for the club to have 16 and 17 year old girls serving? If not, what would the penalties be? I don't want to make a big deal out of it, but I was shocked when she told me what she was doing at her summer job.




  1. it would depend on the state, The state would make the difference some states only require a permit signed by the guardian some states have different rules for private clubs/country clubs. You should really check with your local municipal attorney's office.

  2. officaly that is illegal, even though it is not strictly inforced

  3. I'm not sure about Ohio, but in Illinois the bartender must be 21 y/o. Even clerks at Wal-mart must be 21 to run checkout if liquor is being purchased.

    The country club must have a liquor license to sell or dispense (including give away) alcohol.  This license may be revoked if the licensing agency discovers that underage persons are serving the drinks.

    The probable reason that the country club has young women serving the drinks is so the dirty old men will buy more.

  4. i know that no matter if its private or not she is to young to mix drinks please she needs a linc. to do that as far as serving I'm not to sure but i think it is you should check to make sure thou if they find out she might get into trouble but than again i don't think so cause she is under age and is only doin what her boss is tellin her

  5. Not legal.

    The alcohol authorities will have a fit if you tell them.

    Heavy fines.

    Loss of liquor licence ( suspension or outright loss if this has been caught before)

  6. idk 'cause im english,

    so the laws are different.

    but that doesn't sound right

    i don't think it's legal.

    maybe you should tell someone?

  7. I doubt it is different from a restaurant since she has easy access to alcohol. I wanted to get a job at my country club and wasn't allowed to waitress because you had to be 19+. So I am pretty sure if it is illegal in Louisiana for a country club, it is illegal wherever you are.

  8. whether the establishment is private or not the laws are the same. your sister is not old enough to be a bar tender or a server. this site will help help....

  9. is she hot?

    If so then great. Who doesn't want hot underage girls serving drinks?

    If not hot then :(   She should not be doing something so illegal!!

  10. Serving alcohol in Ohio requires you to be 21. You can contact the State Liquor Board. They are pretty good about investigating violations. If you can't find the number, call a liquor store for it.

  11. Don't worry about it. They will pay a couple of hundred dollar fine, and your sister will lose her job.  

  12. 16 and 17 year ODs MAY NOT serve or handle liquor of any kid.

    At 18 you may sell beer, wine, mixed beverages or spirituous liquor in sealed containers only.So we are talking cans and bottles only. No draft beer.

    At 19 your may handle beer, wine, mixed beverages or spirituous liquor

    in open containers when acting in the capacity of a waiter or waitress. But you knew that.

    At 19 you may also sell beer across a bar. Draft is OK at this point but it can ONLY be beer.

    A person must be 21 years old to serve as a bartender or anywhere else to mix drinks and sell wine

    If they get busted of course the employee can get fined a couple of hundred. The employer will be forced to fire all of those underage. They will be fined as well. If they have a buch of underage employees or it may be shown that this has been common practice they may suspend their liquor license or even take it away.

    It is the same be it a restaurant or a country club. 16 and 17 is so illegal it is not even funny.  

  13. I'm pretty sure that it is not legal, and that the responsibility is on the place not her as they have a position of power and she could need the money and so she does what they tell her, etc. Still I'd say if she doesn't need the job to get out of there.

  14. Well depends on the state, like mine you have to be at least 18

    And the best thing to do is report them to a health inspector or local law enforcement  

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