
County might press charges someone help please?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so here's the deal. I run a buisness and I was there late, my buddy came in and we are both 21 and had some beer. We had a beer each and our friends showed up who are 20 (only about 5 months from 21), they each had a beer also. The cops showed up because the lights were on and saw the beers, gave out minors to the 20 year olds, and then told me and my buddy that if county decides to press charges we could be looking at gross misdemeanors and jail time. None of us have ever been in trouble before in our lives and we completely cooperated with the cops so they didn't arrest us. The 20 year olds blew a .01 and a .02. What kind of trouble am I in? Anyone have any experience?




  1. You need to get the two twenty year old's to tell them you were not the ones that gave them beer! They'll be charge with under age drinking, about a $150.00 fine, and probation. You would be cleared of all charges. I was with a buddy that had a small amount of pot, he tossed it up under our car, and when they found it, they asked who's it was, my buddy didn't say a thing, so we both went to jail, he soon spoke up saying it was his, and I was let go. he got find $50.00! That's all, and he was going to make me go down with him!

  2. You already asked this before and we answered it.  If you were going to be charged, it would have already happened.  If you were to be charged with something than you would have gotten a minimum of a citation and had to go to court.  The fact that they charged the minors with MIC's means that they were more than willing to issue citiations.  You could have been arrested and charged with the misdemeanor that way.  Stop posting the same questions over and over

  3. you will probably keep your will be out of some money one way or the other.. you are a business man,you should know it's about the dollar..your stupid mistakes keep them in business..tell your friends their stupid mistakes keep them in business wiser,you dont get older by being a fool..

  4. Well "county decides" means if the county prosecuting attorney, or district attorney wants to pursue it, the police make their reports and forward them to the prosecutor. Or there is a possibility they were just bluffing to make you think about it long and hard.

    What you may get?, I would guess not much more than a fine, if they pursue it, you weren't out in public or running around so really it's pretty minimal I think

    There's been a few minors around here drinking too, Michigan, they usually just get a small fine and/or a little community service, and that's when their caught in a public place.

  5. SideSwiper ... Thus far you seem to be handling this pretty well.  I'd suggest you keep doing as you have been.  You seem to admit you're guilty and you sound like a stand-up guy, so as you get to court, just keep being a man as you have been by fessing up, explaining ALL the circumstances by pointing out that the under-aged guys showed up later.  In other words, this was not premeditated.  Furthermore, throw yourself at the mercy of the court, explain it was a lapse of judgment, and I bet you'll get off with a suspended sentence.

    Do NOT say, "You ought to let me go because the kids blew such a low alcohol level" cause you can't use that as an excuse.  If the court wants to reduce your sentence/fine, as long as this is mentioned in the hearing, I'm sure they'll take all that into consideration.

    Good luck with it.

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