
County web sites that offer public viewing of criminal records invasion of privacy?

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now I'm not talking for an employer here since you give them permisson... I'm talking about county web sites that list every thing a person has done no matter what... so any tom d**k and harry can see yor recored... how is this legal?

now before you try to ask, got something to hide? no i have a drinking under the age on there and some tickets... but that's not the point don't i have the right not to have my name included?




  1. No different than the person's name, address, age and what they were arrested for being news papers.

    At least websites are fair, and only state if they were charged or convicted, not "allegations" like papers print out.

    (I have no problem with that either btw) Just saying I do understand how a person would be upset.

    A friend of mine about 4-5 years ago was pulled over (break light out) he had a few drinks and was arrested for DWI and/or (I forget the actual wording) but it insinuated he may have been under the influence of drugs as well.... He was not. I'm not saying him drinking and driving was ok! of course not!! But the alleged drug use did give him a bad rap for a while. So in that sense, yes I do believe people deserve a degree of privacy, at least till all facts are known anyway.

  2. Dont do the crime if you cant do the time.

  3. Breaking the law and being convicted is public record and public knowledge. Always has been, always will be.

    You don't have some "right" to be a criminal in private or secret. The public has a right to know criminal records and the newspapers have a right to publish criminal records. Facts are facts! And if I want to put up a website listing the child molesters, or burgulars, or rapists in my area I have the right to do so.

    Convictions are a matter of public record.

    Usually crimes that you commit under the age of 18 are erased after you turn 21, or something like that, the laws about it vary.

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