
Couple Etiquette? Why Public Places?

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I walk in the park everyday, and there is this bf and gf around beginning 20s always sexing each other in the park and making noises. She has been wearing the same dress the last 5X I saw her.

Why can't these kids go to their homes or a hotel to s***w around? I mean children are around..........




  1. If they are literally having s*x in the park, then report them to the police.  Otherwise, look away.

  2. So what if a kid sees them making out?  It's not going to harm the child in any way at all.

  3. 1. One of them (or perhaps both of them) has low self esteen and is trying to show off to the world.

    2. One of them (or both) has a fetish for having s*x in public.  

  4. Reasons they are macking on each othe rin the park: they either still live at home with their moms, they're cheating on someone, or they're homeless (explains why the girl is in the same dress).

    Anyway, it is illegal to perform a "lewd act in public" which includes s*x, nudity, or anything similarly obscene. Call the cops and report them! You'd be doing your civic duty.

  5. ~~I don't understand this kind of display either. It's gotta be some sort of attention they're seeking, much like the purple colored mohawks. Some sort of satisfaction of the shock value to other people

    What is sad is for the rest of us to have to be subject to this, and it's unforgivable to do such display in front of children. They have to grow up way to fast as it is. I don't know what the answer is, there are so many groups of people who just have no respect for proper etiquette. If we could just get them to understand that it cheapens them, is a huge turn off for adults, and a confusing message to innocent kids. Unfortunately, they just don;t care so there is no answer. Parents need to teach their kids manners so the rest of us can tolerate them!~~  

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