
Couple of Q's?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, in short, I recored some footage of Super Smash Bros. Brawl on my camera, finalized the disc and all that. Then, I put it in my computer, and it will play in Windows Movie Player, but it won't even read in Windows Movie Maker. Could anyone tell me what I might be doing wrong? Alternatively, someone could tell me a program that works like WMM and they know works with discs. Thanks in advance.




  1. Thats because you need import the data from the DVD to WMM. See if you can import it. If you can't then I would try Nero or a freeware DVD ripping program.

  2. View video (*.vob) files

    - Insert finalized DvD disk to pc  

    - open windows explorer / click start -> myComputer

    - click on drive X: / DvD / Video_TS/ *.vob files

    Convert *.vob files to .avi or .wmv  

    - download converter (Prism or Super or DVD Decrypter)  

    - open / browse =>drive X: / DvD / *.vob file for conversion

    - convert: to .avi (best quality-have hdd capacity?) or .wmv

    Check: play .avi or .wmv files

    Edit in wmm

    or use other video editing app w/c support .vob
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