
Couple of queries on visiting israel regarding holdays and shopping?

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i was wondering if i want to participate in a sabbath meal or holiday in israel would people take offense if it asked them if i could join them or if they could find someone who would allow me to take part my reason for asking is i have always been fascinated by jewsih culture and i`d love to observe and take part in a sabbath meal as well as a jewish holiday such as rosh hashannah.

my other query is when i visit i would like to buy one the black hats i was wondering would i be able to buy one by this i mean would a store sell one to me and would language be a problem given that i dont speak hebrew

also are there shops in israel that sell idf uniforms if so where is the best place to get them




  1. You can find at a list of places you can participate in a conservative/orthodox sabbath dinner.

    you can email -

    Include your name, area, and other details and they'll try to help you.

    Most people in Israel speak/understand English in sufficient level to be able to communicate in English. In most places you should have no problems.

    I don't know about IDF uniforms. I never bought one.

  2. religious people would love to have you over for shabbat dinner, they will feel honoured , but you should maybe go to a local synagogue and ask a Rabbi on how to go about it.

    with regards to the black hats, go to a religious store, found all over Jerusalem and other religious areas (bnei brack)i must add they are very expensive

    idf uniforms are the hardest to come by, because they are the property of the idf, the best is to ask any soldier that you see on the street if they know where you can get them.

    hope you have a great sty in israel

  3. If you're fascinated by Jewish culture, do it at home, not in Israel.  You can buy the hats as easily at home as in Israel as well.

    As for the IDF uniforms -- fat chance!


  4. One would wonder why you want to dress like an Israeli....  If you are so fascinated by Jewish culture, read a book about it!

  5. I know many people who would (and did) welcome a stranger (Jewish and non-Jewish) to their Shabat or holiday table; Israel is a very friendly place, full of warm people.

    As for the hats; sure, anyone may buy one of those, but why would you want to, if you are not Jewish?

    I am curious about your motives....

    IDF uniforms, by the way, are not sold in stores.

    Again; what are your motives?  Are you hoping to learn enough about the culture and try blend in so that you can cause some damage to the country and its people?????

  6. Oh, the uniforms, ok, what you can do is just ask IDF or police officer how to acquire a uniform... no need to purchase I'm sure they will just "let you have it!"

    Enjoy your stay in incarceration.

  7. James, James, James,

    It is nice to know you are having a good laugh while reading some of the answers.  You can have a laugh at their expense, but not at mine or kismet.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  8. The jews not nice people mate try to avoid the place, they killing innocent palestinians, and have created a false war which AMERICA AND BRITAIN ARE FIGHTING FOR THEM.

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