I just got a new bearded dragon(baby) today. I have a couple of questions. Here they are:
1.How to teach them to eat veggies/fruits.
-I've tried feeding them carrots, bananas, and grapes. Sliced and diced for the right size. I tried both putting it on a dish and hand feeding it to them and they won't eat.
Is it normal that their color gets darker at night.
-My lighting turns off at 730 pm. The dragons' color got darker. Like when their stressed. Correct me if I'm wrong but their skin tone gets darker when their stressed? I've checked the temperature of the tank and its not less than 65 degrees more on the low 80's at night. First thing that came in my mind was their just trying to get use to their new home.
3.How long do they need to get use to their new home?
I got my dragons today. Do they need time to get use to their new home? If so, how long? Should I not handle them until they get use to me or their new home?