
Couple of questions regarding baby bearded dragons.?

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I just got a new bearded dragon(baby) today. I have a couple of questions. Here they are:

1.How to teach them to eat veggies/fruits.

-I've tried feeding them carrots, bananas, and grapes. Sliced and diced for the right size. I tried both putting it on a dish and hand feeding it to them and they won't eat.

Is it normal that their color gets darker at night.

-My lighting turns off at 730 pm. The dragons' color got darker. Like when their stressed. Correct me if I'm wrong but their skin tone gets darker when their stressed? I've checked the temperature of the tank and its not less than 65 degrees more on the low 80's at night. First thing that came in my mind was their just trying to get use to their new home.

3.How long do they need to get use to their new home?

I got my dragons today. Do they need time to get use to their new home? If so, how long? Should I not handle them until they get use to me or their new home?




  1. you can't really teach them to eat salads, that will be something that they will eat when they are ready. What you do is offer it several times a week and they will start picking at it in due time. I wouldn't give a baby beardie carrots until they're a little older. also w/ bananas, don't offer them too often, but occasionaly is fine. You would like your salads to be composed of greens more than fruits and veggies. For my babies, I cut up very very small pieces of collard, dandilions, mustard greens, etc as well as some yellow and green squash. Try some greens first, then start adding other fruits or veggies.

    their color darkening is normal. Mine will lighten up once the lights are turned off, then darken up a few hours later. I wouldn't worry about the color change at all

    Some will take some time to adjust, especially when they are young. Just give it some time. To be safe, just wait several days until you start handling it. Beyond that, enjoy

  2. Question #1

    Keep trying to feed them 50/50 veggies/crickets. Try using different colored fruits and veggies. I found out one of my first beardies liked the the color yellow when she attacked yellow letters on her newspaper substrate. The most important veggie for them is leafy greens, like mustard and colored greens for their calcium. Calcium is very important to their growth.


    Depending on which season it is dragons light should be on 10 to 16 hours a day. They need a basking lamp and a UVA/UVB light also very important for growth and development. Basking spot should be no hotter than 95 degrees. Tank should range from 75 degrees to 85 degrees when light is on and anywhere from 65 to 75 when off. Also give them hiding spots to cool off in. Dragons do darken there skin to get warmth from light. Darkened chins is there form of communication, mating calls, warnings, or just saying hi. What till they start waving at you! Also when basking sometimes they gasp or just hold their mouth open, don't be worried its normal their just cooling off. If they do it on the cold spot in the tank its way to hot.

    Question #3

    They do need to get used to there new enviroment. Give it a week or so. They can be aggresive and pack a bite when young but they grow out of that. They also grow very fast if everything goes right.

    Hope this helps


    Reptile Breeder - AZ

  3. 1. At this age, they need to be eating mainly crickets and other insects. These must be dusted with calcium every feed and multivitamins once or twice per week until adults (about 1.5-2yrs)

    Fruit and veg can be gradually introduced as they get older and they may decide them selves that they want it. Failing that, you will have to experiment until you find something you both agree on! In the meantime, make sure it gets its crickets and that they are gutloaded with plenty of fruit and veg, or a commercial gutloading formula.

    2. Yes, their colors will darken at night. They will tend to darken when they get cold, as this allows them to absorb more heat. They will also darken when stressed, and also display lots or short lines on their stomach. they will definatley be very stressed following their move so this isn't too much to worry about, it can take a week to two weeks for them to settle in properly.

    3. As above, it can take up to two weeks. In this time, they are unlikely to want food but offer it anyway, they should start eating within a week. If they continue to refuse crickets, try mealworms or small locusts to get them going. You should leave them be for a day or two to settle then start with short regular handling periods to let them get used to you.

    I have a comprehensive caresheet on Beardies at It should have all the info you need to provide a good home. If you need more help feel free to contact me using the form on the site.

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