
Couple other questions I had about surfing!?

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Hi I was wondering since I have a little sedan I was wonderng if these car racks would work and how would I use them?

and If u saw my last post u already know but I'm in the market for a surfboard and I would really like a shortboard around 6'6. I live on the west coast of Florida so surfing is only an option a couple times a month. Its on average around 2-3 ft and somedays it gets up to 4-5 ft. So is the 6'6 shortboard okay? thanks

P.S. would I be better off getting a fish like this

or will it be the same as the shortboard?

thanks, Muzzi




  1. The racks will probably fit fine, if you have a rack. They are rack pads, you need soft racks for a sedan. But don't buy stuff on line. Go to a surf shop. You can look at the different brands they have to offer, and ask what is the most popular, or gotten the best customer feedback, or sells for the best price. I have used them in the past, and I know lots of sedan drivers who use softracks without any problem.

    I have spent a fair amount of time on the west coast of FL. There are darn few surfable days there. However, if there are waves, odds are that they will be little bitty longboard waves. That's not to say they aren't fun. I have surfed on ankle high waves on a longboard, it all depends on how much you want to surf. Don't forget, before the 'short board revolution' in the late 60s early 70s, everybody rode longboards, in almost every kind of surf. They can be very versatile.

    If I lived there, I would probably have at longboard and a nice fat fish in my quiver. Unfortunately that board in your link is a mass produced popout. It is better than no surfboard, but I wouldn't buy it. Cheap stuff like that delaminates easlily, fin boxes break out easily, they discolor easily, and they take money away from legitimate surfboard shapers. (they are made in China! (

    GO TO A SURF SHOP. I know there aren't a lot of surf shops on the west coast, but there are some, or go half way across the state to Ron Jon in Orlando. I am sure that there are lots of legit shapers (both local guys, and some good, big companies) that make a decent small wave fish for you. Check out the link, Don't give up just because you don't have much in the way of waves, enjoy every one you can! Good Luck!

  2. from what it looks like according to the first link those look like rack pads, not racks themselves.  if you have a rack already on the car then by all means any of those would work to protect your board.  if you dont have racks on the car then those pads wont do anything because there is nothing to attach them to.  heres a good alternative if you dont want to buy a full on roof rack:

    as for the board id say for the gulf coast go with a larger fish.  where exactly are you planning on surfing?  i live on st pete beach and its definitely an area where you need a floatier board with a wider tail.  the quads work great in gulf surf since they are so fast.  id say go with that fish that you were looking at, it looks awesome.  also check out the brand canibal, they make boards that are really tuned for the gulf coast

  3. i think those racks will fit

    about the board every one says you should go with a bigger board or a fun Board or what ever. but i would go for the short board.

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