
Couple questions about my kitten?

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Sometimes my kitten would roll on her back and will grab my hand with her paws and start biting me,but not really hard.afterwards she would start l*****g my hand and bite me again and l**k me again etc.

She also closes her eyes when she l**k me.why does she do this?

Also in the morning my kitten keeps runnin across the bed when Im sleep.when she sees me lift my head up she hides under the bed.5 mins later she runs across the bed again,sometimes running on my body.she would also start playing with my leg or try 2 sleep on the bed.

Why is she doin this?She 3 months




  1. cause she showing u how much she love u and the l*****g and biting means kisses and u r mine biting thing be happy she loves u alot

  2. l*****g and iting you is affection an playtime. my cats do this all thew time. my cat also does something like the running of the bed. she chews on my hair, and when i say stop, she runs out of my room. then when if i fall asleep, she bites my arm. i think its just a "wake up, its time to play" kind of like your alarm clock.  

  3. My cat does the same thing.He purrs when he nips.I simply say no and take my hand away. I think the experts call it "overstimulation".

  4. thats just showing you how much she loves you and when your sleeping and she does that she just wants to play and have fun or it could mean that she needs to go to the bathroom so open the door when she does that that is what my cat does when she wants me to open the door to let her go to the bath room or eat so you can trie that see if that works  

  5. My kitten does the same thing.

    She's just playing with you :)

  6. shes playing with u  definally

  7. This is how they play with their littermates, so she sees you as such.  They also close their eyes to protect them from an attack.  Just normal kitten stuff.  Personally I like it better when they're older, as better companions.

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