
Couple volleyball questions..?

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alright so i have a few questions about this amazing sport haha..

i'm 15 (almost 16) and i've been playing since 7th grade, which is when my school starts volleyball. my town is much too small for a club team, and i couldn't even play for more than a quarter of last season due to a knee injury. i'm doign physio and everything to get it back into shape for next season though. i'm going to two volleyball camps this summer.. they're only a few days each though. ANYWAYS here are my question! (answer one, or all! thanks!)

1. what can i do to practice my skills (especially my overhand serve, i really struggled with it this year) at home? i don't have a wall to hit the ball against because i have a newly stuccoed house, and my parents are pretty anal about it lol.

2. how can i train and get better.. i really want to do well this year on my school team and my goal is to try out for a club team too.. but i'm really worried i won't be good enough!

so i'm willing to work my but off! thanks!




  1. Your in a tough spot for both of those:

    1. In a small town it would be hard to find a YMCA to go to (unless you actually do have one) and if you do have one in your town go there and see if you are able to practice there (which you should be able to)...the only other solution I can think of is either go to any beach volleyball courts (if your town has any) or try and see if you can get access to your school gym at all to practice...that is really the only way you can practice serving cause you need ot practice on a net.

    2. Same problem in a small town...make sure that you are in shape and ready for try-outs and stuff, the best weapon is good fitness. But the only way to improve your volleyball skills is to handle a volleyball as much as possible. try and get together with some friends to play. I know it is hard to train in the off-season especially in a small town like you said...So see if you can find a YMCA or beach courts in your area, or get access to your school gym if possible.

    Good luck, this is a great game and it is great that you are willing to work your butt off, thats half the battle

  2. 1 When serving the worst thing you could possibly do is throw the ball up high unless your doing a topspin serve. when i serve i have to time it just right to spin and land on the baseline. and tto hit off a wall you can just go to the park and use a handball court.

    2 You can go to a beach and play. there was never a beach that i went to that didnt have a volleyball court.

    also when you hit make sure the ball is always in front of you or else the ball is going straight out of bounds.

  3. 1. When you are overhand serving do not try to hit the ball so hard that you miss it or it goes out of bounds. Take a step into the serve to build up your momentum and then you will not have to swing as hard to get power or spin. To practice this all you need is a back yard or some grass, and a volleyball. Measure the distance of the net to the serving line and make a mark, usually a cloths line works best. Mesure the height of the net and put up something to make it so you can practice the right hight and distance. Just do nice easy serves if you are struggling, and work your way up to powerful ones with spin. As long as you get the ball over the nett.

    2. Take a volleyball if you are a setter or whatever and pass the ball to yourself, pick a spot on your lawn and try to hit that mark, the mark represents the person you are trying to get the ball to. For physical training do this workout

    1. Measure you 20 yards.

    2, Lay down on your stomach and run 20 yards and dive like you are going to dig a ball.

    3. Get up as fast as you can and run to where you started and dive again and keep repeting that process untill you canot stand it anymore. Trust me that workout helpes alot for your diving and just to be quick to get the ball.

    And for that workout wear spandex, long socks and nee pads, you will see, you dont do a perfect dive everytime, if you dont wear that you will get floor burn on your shins, thighs, and bruise your nees.

    Hope that helped you lots.

  4. go to a park or hit it over and high across your backyard to another person.

    practice everyday for 15 minutes i garentee youll be a lot better!

  5. 1. one way to work on your over hand serve is to lift weights. make sure you work both arms. do u have a ball? if u do u can just work on ur form. i know it sounds boring but in the end  it will be worth it. people who are great at over hand serving in volleyball have very good form.

    2. a lot of people would think volleyball doesn't take a lot of agility but it does. work on having fast foot work. set up an obstacle course and include obstacles that will help you with your vertical jump, speed, and footwork.

    if u feel u won't do well u won't, have a positive attitude and u will be fine. good luck.

  6. To practice your serve, here's what I do. Go to a sporting goods store and go to the soccer section. They have these things that are designed so that when you kick the ball it comes right back to you on this peice of elastic. It works just the same for hitting a volleyball. I think it's called a "Star Kick"

    As far as getting better, anything athletic helps. Swimming, basketball, hiking, waterskiing... as long as you're working some muscle, you're getting better!

  7. Overhand serve (I'm going to explain it to you with right hand, if left handed, just do the opposite)

    1. The most important thing is the toss. If you don't have a good toss, you won't have a good serve. I would practice this alot:: Toss the ball in the air (about 1.5 feet) with your left hand, when the ball lands it should drop right in front of your right foot. Most of your weight should be on your right foot

    2.The use of your body is essential to getting the ball over, not just an arm. When tossing the ball in the air, take a slight step forward with your left foot, transferring weight from the right foot to the left foot and to the ball you are contacting.

    These are most of the problems many people face. Work on step 1 before going onto step 2

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