
Course selection for freshmen year of high school?

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I'm debating wheater or not I should take high school biology honors in freshmen year. My class offers integrated science, which is a comprehensive review of the material that is covered in middle school. The problem is that I believe that I wouldn't be challenged if I took that course because I memorized all the textbooks from grades 6-8 (I know... I have no life). Would you reccomend taking biology honors or integrated science in 9th grade? It would also be helpful if you could explain the material covered in biology and if this class was difficult for you.






  1. I took biology last year and it was too simple. I was bored in class because of it. I'd advise you to take integrated science

  2. Biology is a harder course than the integrated science. I took honors biology in 9th grade because I'm an honors student and wanted a challenge. Take the biology. You'll be ahead for the rest of high school.

    answer mine?;...

  3. I was in 9th grade last year and I took pre AP biology honors.

    I would recommend taking the honors course because it will challenge you more. I know some friends who took integrated science and they were bored and didn't really learn much. Honors courses also look better on your transcript when you apply to college and you get more out of the class. In our class we covered many different topics such as cells, plants, evolution, and genetics. It was fun for me and an easy A.

  4. Absolutely take the Bio Honors class...You are like me and know which classes will challenge you and which wont. I took every Honors and AP class possible or otherwise I would have been bored in the regular classes. Challenging yourself is always best. I loved all my Science classes and they were fun and depends on your teacher and school as well. Ask around at your HS (if possible) to see what other thought of that class or the teach. But i think that would be the better choice. You might disect things so I hope your not opposed to that. Bio covers everthing from cells the functions their development, all living things plants and animals...its fairly easy to comprehend so I suggest you challenege yourself and it will look better on college applications

  5. go for the higher class. in my freshman year i was scheduled to take an honors class and i chickened out and i regret it everyday. it sets you up for a better chance at a good college. Challenge yourself especially if you think you can memorize things. much of biology is memorizing the parts of your labs.

  6. I took biology honors in my second year of high school and easily got an A.  I'm not a huge science or math person as well, but I am a hard working student.  I think that if you don't have to take the integrated science class and you know that you have learned all the material that they cover in the class, I say take the bio class (especially if you are interested in the science field).  My bio class (although not the most difficult) went over molecular biology, ecology, and evolution.  Topics included: cells, mitosis, photosynthesis, species, etc.  Nothing overly complicated.

  7. i took honors bio my freshman year and its basically facts and memorization of the body functions, cells, dna, plant life, animal kingdom etc. it took me some time to get used to the class but i made it out with an a final average. but if you could memorize all your text books then bio will be no problem for you. plus if you take too easy of a class you'll definitely regret it.

  8. I took it.

    I would take it, if you plan on going into a science field, or you wanna take AP Bio, or AP Chem or something.

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