
Courses to become a chemist ?

by Guest65820  |  earlier

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I am going into eleventh grade and i still need to choose my courses for 11th and 12th grade. I already took Chemistry 11 in 10th grade, and I am thinking of taking Biology 11 and Chem 12 this year and Bio 12 in grade 12. If I want to become a chemist (most likely in cosmetics), do I need high school Physics ? Also, what steps would I need to take after high school to pursue this career? Do I need university or could I go to college? For how long? What courses? Your answer would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I live in Canada, Not sure if that makes a difference or not, it might because we don't have SAT's.




  1. If you are looking at becoming a chemist then you will need to take biology, physics, and mathematics along with your chemistry. For high school I would recommend that you take as much biology, physics, mathematics, and chemistry you can in high school.

    In regard to university and time needed. I would recommend finding a university that had a program that related to consumer chemistry or one that had close relationship with companies that sell consumer products. Also  I would recommend either majoring in chemical engineering or getting your PhD in Chemistry. A chemical engineering degree takes four years to complete and is quite intense. Whereas a PhD in chemistry takes around 8 years to complete.  

  2. Physics would be desirable to have AND the Bio11 & 12 and Chem 12 courses.  All are important.  Load up with as much science as you can take.

    Chemistry is chemistry no matter what country you are in.

    How long you go to college is up to you but in the sciences if you want to work in the field you should aim for a Ph.D.

    Go to a four year university.  I'm not sure if the Canadian university system is like the USA or more like Britain's.

    Pick out some universities you would like to attend and study their undergraduate course requirements for a BS in chemistry.  They should be similar to each other.  Some may also require two years of a foreign language and others might not.

    If a school is a college instead of a university that simply means that they don't offer advanced degrees such as a doctorate.

    Good luck.

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