
Court date is pending, do i have to let my ex see the kids before we go to court

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Court date is pending, do i have to let my ex see the kids before we go to court




  1. Unless there is a restraining order of a previous court order out that says they are not supposed to have contact with the children, yes.  Why wouldnt you would be my question.  Unless the other person is very abusive or threatening to take them out of state.  But if you just want to be selfish and vindictive, then yes, you should allow your ex to see the kids, especially if they are theirs too.

  2. Especially with a court date coming up….don’t stand in the way of a father seeing his children. Unless you have proof that he is a physical threat to his children, then you really should allow them to see their father.

    Judges really think highly of those that don’t stand in the way and even higher of those that go above and beyond to make sure their kids have frequent and continuing contact with their non-custodial parent. Even though it should just be the way it is…..

  3. Unless he is a danger to the kids or a druggie you should let him see his kids.  

  4. Yes you should. As long as he is not going to cause harm to the children then he has every right to see his children

  5. yea u should

  6. Please answer these questions for yourself:

    Why the question?  

    Why do you think you don't have to honor your agreement?  

    Doesn't your ex have to honor hers?  

    What exactly are your concerns?  And, what do they have anything to do with the pending court date?  

    Do you have some reason to believe she a danger to the kids?

    Do you love your kids?

    Do they deserve to have the best mom and dad?

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