
Court day tomorrow???

by  |  earlier

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well my court day is tomorrow and i need some hints for what is gonna happen to me and my friend got caught tagging in a pole and a trash can with a crayon i only tagged a pole and my friend got caught when he tagged the trash can when his court day came he had his charges dropped he is 15 and i am 17 what will happen to me ONLY SERIOUS ANSWERS please





  2. I wish I could tell you what was going to happen, but I cant...I don't know anything about the sentences given to tagging.

  3. Chances are you'll be responsible for paying to have it removed/cleaned up and might be given a suspended sentence which means that the charges would be dropped if you stay out of trouble for a certain period of time.

    You may even have to perform a certain number of comunity service hours.  No, you don't need to hire a lawyer.  Use the court appointed one.

  4. You are going to San Quentin for a 10 stretch

  5. I would think that since your friend got his charges dropped, then your charges will be dropped too.  I don't think you need a lawyer.  Just dress nice and be on time to court and hold your head high when you walk up there.  If you get the chance to speak, let them know that you do have remorse for what you did and have learned your lesson and will never do this again.  Good luck.  I hate going to court, it's so scary.

  6. First offence... it'll get dropped.

    Second offence... community service.  

  7. Depends a lot on your previous record and reputation. If this is the first offense, you may be okay. If you are part of a gang, you may be going down. Most systems don't want to put people (especially youth) in jail or prison. They prefer to keep you out of trouble and in school or at work.

    Just admit what you did, why it was wrong, and what you will do with your life if given another chance. Be sincere. Get yourself together and stop your childish behavior.

    And wear nice clothes to court. I'm amazed at how many people I see wearing sagging ripped jeans, dirty t-shirts, etc. Get a clue.

  8. Most likely community service.  There are much more serious crimes out there to deal with.  Good Luck! Act very remorseful!

  9. If they dropped his charges then they will drop urs to and if not u can argue that in court. Be like $hit u dropped his charges and we did the same thing drop mine to. Boooooooooo yaaaaaaa

  10. Possible some community service, don't worry because you are a minor, it will only be juvenile charges which will be erased after you turn 18
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