
Court trial question, provisional license?

by  |  earlier

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I was speeding the other day and unlike other days it was to the hospital, i get pulled over and cop gives me a speeding ticket and puts me down for carrying a minor cause i still had my provisional license at that time, worst part is it was an emergency too and the cop didn't even want to guide us to the hospital, anyways i show up to the superior court weeks later and i get my name called and aparantley they were charging me with only the provisional thing with carrying someone under 21, so i plead guilty and they tell my dad he has to go to some class with me and that there is a 30 day suspension on my license,this is my first offence i still have o points on my record, my dad gets infuriated and tells them that he has no time, my parents have hectic schedule, so they gave me a not guilty and a court date, question is in court will the cop bring up the fact he also gave me a speeding ticket and will the judge try to s***w me over with that, should i bring evidence from hospital




  1. I would bring all evidence and papers that you have that you were indeed on the way to the hospital. I can't believe the cop was holding you up when you clearly told them you had an emergency. Since you are new to driving and it was your first offense, I'm surprised they couldn't be lenient with you. I'm sorry they were so harsh with you. Hope all works out.

    I'd also like to add that each state has different rules for the provisional license. When I was 18 with my provisional license and got pulled over in New Jersey with somebody that was 17, I got in trouble because they weren't 21 (he let me go with that, though). However, when I crossed the border into Pennsylvania, I got pulled over with a 16 year old and their rules were different. You could have as many people in the car as seat belts, no matter the age. I'm guessing your state only allows 1 person in the car over the age of 21 that obtains a license.

  2. thats messed up... yes bring evidence to show the judge!!!! if you had an emergency then thats enough as it is... the judge will prolly reduce the fine but on a provisional lisence you get slamed hard cuz  we have to pay fines and get suspended..i have a md provisional lisence too and im serving a one year suspention for 4 speeding tickets in one year... and the cop must have been a ******** for citing you for it cuz i carry passengers all the time that are under 21 and ive never gotten cited for it...good luck dude

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