
Cousin/friend issue? Best thing to do?

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Okay, my cousin (through marriage) and I have gotten to know each other pretty well over the last few years... But I have no idea where we stand... At times we're like great friends that can say and do whatever to each other... and other times I can't get him to talk to me at all for weeks, despite trying... I'm ALWAYS the one initiating any kind of online communication... so I'm starting to wonder if he really sees me as a friend... or someone he randomly got stuck with, so he makes the best of it when it's convenient. I've considered straight up asking him about it... but fear that could be a mistake if this is just mebeing paranoid, and reading too much into it.. He's someone I trust and really care about, so I'd like to just get past this... doubt.... Best way to proceed...?




  1. Just let everything be for a while. Stop initiating the conversations. Let him do it for a while. Of he doesn't just ignore it for a couple of weeks, then try again. If he still doesn't respond then it is up to you, you can either as him about it, or just leave it a lone for a while longer.  

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