
Cousin is taking advantage of Grandparents?

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Its going to be hard to keep this question short but hear it goes. My Grandparents have always been supportive to the entire family. In some ways they even reinforced bad behaviors in the family. One example is my cousin, she has always been known to back stab, lie and steal from people (including her own family). She is now in her 40s and has manipulated her way into my grandparents lives. My Grandparents have basically treated her like a daughter from day one, so I could see why they put so much trust in her. My Grandma just recently passed away and left her in charge with all the money and estate. With my Grandpa being alone now, she has moved herself into his house. My cousins own house was up for auction/foreclosure and she wrote a check out of my grandparents account to pay her past due taxes on her house. I just learned that she is now starting to manipulate other family out of their homes. These are homes that my Grandparents helped them get into. She has falsely accuses family of threatening her and calls the police on them. I could keep on going with all the horrible things she has done. The thing that saddens me the most is that my 92 year old grandfather is now without his wife. He gets upset and cries when my cousin starts in fighting with the family to get her way. I wish there was something I could do. I could care less about the money, I just want my Grandpa to have peace from her.




  1. Most states have Elder Abuse Laws. I would DEFINATELY call and report her.  We recently had a local case where the grandson was caring for the grandma.  Someone finally turned him in, but, it was too late. The grandma was still alive, barely. She was skin and bones, sleeping in her own urine and feeces, covered in bed sores, and even had a spring from the bed in her back.  Don't take this kind of stuff lightly. It starts out with money, then lack of care.  

  2. take him to your house and legally rip the rug out from her

  3. Taking advantage of elders is a form of elder abuse... you might want to report that.

  4. Punch her in the face.  

  5. Report her to the authorities on the abuse of an elderly person. You can say that she is emotionally abuse him to get to his finances.

    these sites might help you get started, and to let you know what can be done and what can't be done.  

    Good Luck

  6. You could invite the grandpa to come stay with you! That would make him fell better. Also, you could go to court for custody of all the things she has from the grandparents!!!

  7. yo kick her *** dawg u got it

  8. That's really sad. I think you are going to have to get your cousin out of the picture some how. Spend time with your grandfather if you can. Sorry I can't be of more help..  

  9. dude you should write with more than one paragraph

    it will be easier if you wan't help

  10. I think your grandfather can give it to someone else, can't he? Although I'm not sure, I'm certainly no legal expert.

    And I'm really sorry to hear that stuff. :/ I wish i knew a better way to help. I guess you could try taking her to court about it if you get any witnesses and things who say that she's not up for keeping the estate and the money and she's using it for her own gain.

    That's not right for her to do at all. :/  

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