
Covering the human odor?

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Is there a way to get rid of the human scent without spending a cent, could I just roll around in some sagebrush or somethin ha




  1. Anyone spending money on scent control is just flushing cash straight down the toliet.

    Wash your clothes in baking soda and air dry them outside (not in the garage). Put them in a trash bag.

    Sounds like you're out west so I don't think you have to do anything else. The midwest and eastern hunters who hunt in stands / on the ground put fox p**s on cotton balls and hang them right by the stand.

    Also scrape away the leaves where you are sitting (you do that anyway if you're on the ground). It leaves an earth scent.

    Scent control is WAY OVERRATED

  2. Scent control depends on what you’re hunting and for some types of hunting it is over rated.

    A hunter can just use the wind to his advantage. And on rainy days its harder for deer to scent you. If you’re high up in a tree stand its also harder for the deer to smell you.

    But as a trapper I can tell you animals have a very keen sense of smell. That deer doesn’t have that long nose for nothing. I have to boil my traps to remove any non-forest smells and keep them from picking up unwanted scents from home to the set. The same can be applied to the hunter, and its cheap.

    Wash your clothes in baking powder but before you do run one cycle in the washer with hot water and baking soda to remove any residue from laundry detergent. After the clothes are washed do not handle them with bare hands use clean cotton or latex gloves. Then hand them to dry outside on a cloths line away from barbeques, burning trash or anything else that will contaminate them. Once dry place them in a heavy duty trash bag. What I do then is place a rotten stump pieces or crushed evergreens inside the bag. Now you can store this anywhere outside you want ready for the hunt.

    But wait until you are in the woods before you put them on. I have another bag with my hunting boots in them also scented. This way I don’t pick up scents in my home or the gas station before the hunt.

    Now for your body scent, avoid any spicy food for a few days. No garlic, pizza, spaghetti, etc, just meat, bread, vegetables and fruits. Native Americans avoided meat as well but I found it matters little as long as you don’t add a bunch of spices; it’s the spices that make your sweat stink as doe’s lots of beer or other liquor.

    Take a shower using baking soda and avoid any aftershave, scented deodorants any thing that smells. After that shower, no cigarettes, booze etc to add another smell.

    Once in the woods you can break off some evergreen boughs or wild mint and rub it on you clothes, the rotten wood from an old stump works also. Or you can build a smoky fire and stand in the smoke if you didn’t de-scent you clothes beforehand. Done right you have hidden your scent to where animals can be just feet from you and have no clue you are there, if you don’t move.

    My brother has a fawn l**k his boot as he was laid back against a tree. He had apple scent on his boot from walking through an orchard. I had a big buck paw my boot that had a rag with doe scent tied to it. No joke! He only knew I was there when he saw my eyes move and he flipped out lol! I didn’t shoot him, I was just seeing how well I could hide.

    Hope this helps you out.

    Say there are many free scents; you can get a tarsal glad from a fellow hunter that got his deer, for free deer scent. You can crush apples and leave a cotton rag in a bag with them for apple scent. Sage can be used for a cover scent. Wood from a rotten stump beats any man made *rotten wood* scent. Evergreens can be crushed and used to scent your clothes and boots as can other plants.

    If you’re creative you won’t have to spend a dime on scent.

    Honestly if there isn’t much hunting pressure you don’t need to bother with all that.

  3. Use Vanilla!*

  4. i too feel its overrated.  But i do use earth scented wafers and some spray,  but not often.  The carbon this and that is c**p, and recently read reports of nothin.  Roll your clothes in some dirt first.

    But all and all, i've smoked cigarettes while hunting and had animals come right to me.  Even fox and coyotes.  And i go the bathroom at my stand before season begins.  This way they're used to it, and think oh its just that idiot who pees in the woods.  

    I think it has a lot to do with the season too.  In bow season deer are more keen and aware, since they are sniffin out some tale, but in rifle they're thinkin, runnnn........hide...........runnnnnnnnn

    But again, natural earth scent is all i've ever used.  I do refrain from deodarant.  But again, i'd heard people say not to smoke and chew tobacco and use this gum to cover your breath. But without spending a cent,  bury your gear in some dust for a few days.

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