
Coverup forearm tattoo ideas?

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when i was 16 I got a black outline of a heart on my right forearm with Indian ink & a needle.

I'm 30 now & have decided to get a cover up in it's place. Ive thought about a butterfly because i heard it's the easiest tattoo to get. Do you have any suggestions?

Also anybody know of any great artist in Illinois that are known for cover ups?




  1. don't get a butterfly just because it's easy.

    whatever it is, make sure it's beautiful and hopefully meaningful.

    you should know about regretting a tattoo, so think about this next one and take the time to decide on something that won't need another cover-up in 10 years

  2. India ink should be easy to cover with almost anything, since it turns blue after a short while. There is lots of flash on the studio walls to choose from, including butterflies. Might be worth a trip to look at some, and some artist portfolios at the same time. Enjoy your ink!

  3. I wouldn't just get the thing that's easiest to do. I mean, the whole point is that you didn't give enough thought to the tattoo you have now, so you should give more thought to this one, lest you have to get that covered up too. A black outline should be easy to cover up, so that's not really a problem. You should think about things that mean something to you and symbols you like. If a butterfly is really what you want, then go for it. But to me, that seems just as generic as a heart and you might want to delve a little deeper to see what is really meaningful and beautiful to you. Think about cultures that interest you, tattoo styles you like, experiences in your life that were important, people who have affected you, and design your own tattoo. Or just think about your favorite images. Then I'd check out and search for tattoo parlors in your area. Good luck!  

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