
Cow dung/gas????

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some people say a leading cause of global warming is cow dung, cow gas, and other matter.

is this true, and if so, why is this? thank you in advance.




  1. actually its cows farting cos of the CO2 in their farts which is why we shouild kill all cows


    i really dunno

  2. A significant contributor to global warming?  Yes.

    A "leading" cause?  I'd have to say no.

    According to the World Resources Institute, livestock and manure only account for 5.1% of worldwide anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.

    But according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, when land use is taken into account, livestock accounts for 18% of our overall CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions.  This is because livestock need large areas of pasture land, and to make this pasture land people cut down forests which absorb CO2.

    So the cow burps/dung account for 5% of our greenhouse gas emissions, which is a pretty big number, but not a leading cause.  When you take all livestock factors into account, the total figure comes to 18%, which is absolutely a leading cause.

  3. Give the livestock a break guy's,they have a environmental function.They not only supply food but also enrich the earth.

    What about all the cats 90million,dogs 74million registered in the USA alone.Since the 1950's cattle ranching is a bygone era and is only a fraction of what it once was in the US.The forestry department even uses sheep and goats as part of land management.We now import most of our meat from other countries.This really shouldn't be a factor in climate unless you included the sum total of all living creatures that produce CO2 or methane....and that's all I have to say about that.

  4. yes. methane emissions are responsible for about 20% of all human caused warming.

    NOTE not all of that is from farming. 115 teragrams per year from farming out of 330 teragrams per year for total human emishions .

  5. Methane, a product of digestion, is a greenhouse gas and contributes to global warming.

    But the most significant sources of greenhouse gases are associated with energy production and transportation, not with agriculture.

    Mankind IS raising more livestock to supply our insatiable taste of meat and dairy products.  If there are more cows today than before producing more methane, then it is not the fault of the cattle, but of man.

  6. It's true, because of all the methane. It's more the incredibley bad food they give the animals and the fact that there are so many.
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