
Cowboy's Moral Dilemma #6 - Should he do it?

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Another one from the files. See what you think of this dilemma

Dilemma #6

Adam is 42 and works in an office. He’s been trying for promotion for several years without success. His wife is expecting their third child and he really needs the money a promotion would bring, more than ever. Things are so bad financially, that Adam is behind with the mortgage, which is causing a massive strain on his marriage and worry to his pregnant wife The promotion would see a large increase in salary and would end his money worries.

There’s a new Director (male) at the company and as an ice-breaker, the whole department is having an away day at a local hotel. There’s a free bar.

During the evening, Adam is talking to the new director, who having seen Adam’s career history (and rugged good looks!) thinks he is worthy of the promotion.

The dastardly new director promises Adam that he can get his promotion if he just does him one small (sexual) favour.

Does Adam do it?




  1. Hmm.  Sounds like a scene from "54" with Mike Meyers and Breckin Myer.  In that case, Breckin's character (the employee) offered, Mike (the boss, Steve Rubell) turned him down (granted, Breckin's character misunderstood the customary respective roles in such relationships).  Sweet scene, great acting on both parts.

    Adam says no, fears long-term consequences and future "favors".

  2. Yes he does, and he'll regret later, but knows its for the money

  3. I wouldn't do it if I were Adam. In fact, after the dastard got up off the floor and wiped the blood from his mouth, I'd ask him if he had anything he wanted to say before sue him and the company for sexual harrassment. If he even looked like he was going to be nasty before he got a word out his head would be through a wall.

  4. hm... no, adam does not do it, because even though the family is in this situation, i don't think that this would be the right way to get out of it, and besides, i don't think adam's wife would want/like him to do it...  

  5. I think it depends of the favor..

    but i think everyone needs to do things they wish they didnt have to, to help the family..

    like my dad working 3rd shift..

  6. Adam says h**l no and files a massive lawsuit against the dastardly new director & unworthy company for sexual harrassement.

  7. well, which is more important?  providing for your family and generating happiness for your wife and kids or respecting your marriage vows and not being a w***e. that's what it comes down to.

    if Adam doesn't take the indecent proposal, then he won't get promoted on his sexual prowess but might get promoted later based on merit. if he does it, he'll always be this supervisor's w***e. and like that will be the last time he's asked to do it????

    and what the director is doing is illegal in most countries.

  8. No!  Adam reports the director to HR for sexual harassment and moves on to get the now dismissed director's job.

  9. Well he seems to need that money badly... but I think he would regret it later o_o

  10. I would think that Adams guilt at receiving the promotion through sexual favours would in the end far eclipse his stress on the home front.  

  11. Where have all the cowboys gone - you have way too much time on your hands! I have been looking at all of your dilemmas so far and I think this the hardest yet! I have even had to go and make a cup of tea whilst trying to think what my answer would be! Simple answer, I still don't know!

    Next please!!

  12. No he doesn't!  It would be a betrayal of his wife.  It would put him in a bad position with his boss, even if he gets the promotion.  If people found out, there could be problems for Adam.  There's a whole slew of reasons not to do this!!!

    So, here's what he should do:  Document the Director's attempts to extort Adam for sexual favors.  Bring sexual harrassment charges against the Director and the company.  Sue them for all their worth and make millions!  It's the American way!  (just kidding about the solution part of my answer!)

  13. LMAO at "and rugged good looks".

    Does Adam do it??

    Well, if it were me, I'd be like "Mr. Director sir, you can go s***w yourself!"

    But there is the issue of the wife and kids. Hmm, would I sell my body for the benefit of my wife and kids?? It would seem horrible to say no but...NO!

    I can find a better way to handle my financial/marital problems. PLUS, doing the director this favor (FAVOR?? PFTT) might make my marriage worse if she found out and I'd be in a bigger financial problem when I get served by my wife for committing adultery.

    Plus I probably won't get to see the kids. Which would be the real loss in this situation.

    What should Adam do? Get another JOB! Because there are many other JOBS out there and he's capable of getting them. His wife can help too, if they are in that much financial stress. While the kids are in school she can get a job then and come out just before they get out. Or school bus. Whatever, the point is, the director is a piece of (unprofessional) c**p for even suggesting such a ludicrous act for a promotion and I would report his sorry butt, and get me a second job.

    Tell grandma to take care of the baby. My family did it!! And it's not so uncommon anyways. So the wife can work.

  14. I believe that adam would not do the sexual favor. However he would ask if there was any other way he could earn the promotion. The boss, seeing just how desperate Adam was for the promotion might give it to him just because he likes him and would like to make him happy. This is no guarantee, but it's a possibility.

    Adam wouldn't do it, because he wouldn't want to betray his wife's trust and he wouldn't want it to weigh on his mind that he got a job because of performing a sexual act on his "male" boss. He would always feel as though he compromised his own beliefs to get ahead in life; as though he sold his soul to the devil.

    Ultimately, whether he got the promotion or not, he and his wife would come up with a way to budget/raise more money that did not leave either of them feeling guilty.

  15. That depends, if Adam has a laid-back personality and thinks that this whole favor thing won't make him depressed, he could do it.

    But, if this is going to be something that going to bother and haunt him for the rest of his life, then he shouldn't do it. Three small children, a housewife, and a depressed father in a household does not sound good.

  16. I thought you said this was a 'dilemna' way...  And, "NO WAY" goes to the director also...  No one should ever 'compromise' themselves over 'wealth' issues...there ARE more valuable things in life than 'money'...

  17. OK, so would he get the job anyway?

    Who gets a position for a bj except a hooker.

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