
Cowboy Billiards question?

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The name of this particular game is Cowboy Billiards, if you don't know what Cowboy Billiards is your probably can't answer this question. I would prefer someone who has played Cowboy Billiards to asnwer this




  1. You've hit on one of my pet peeves in bar room 8-ball.  I can't think of any other games when an opponent's foul, mistake, miscue, or bad play works against you.  If you try using this to your advantage, be careful not to let your opponent know.

  2. option 1

  3. I have provided a link below to the rules of Cowboy Billiards.

    The situation you are describing is a common occurrence in games where you have cue ball in hand behind the headstring after a scratch. In some games, like straight pool, the rules will specifically state that if all legal object balls are above the headstring the player may spot one of them before taking his shot. This is NOT the case in Cowboy Billiards. The player must attempt to hit the cue ball past the headstring, then back into the kitchen to touch an object ball.

    You may not know this, but Cowboy Billiards has a 3 foul rule. What this means is that if a player commits 3 consecutive fouls, he automatically loses the game. So, if a player were to scratch and give you ball in hand where all the object balls were behind the headstring, you could simply intentionally scratch and give it right back to him. If this situation goes back and forth (he scratches on purpose again, you scratch on purpose again), then he will hit 3 fouls first and lose the game. So, in this situation, the best play is to intentionally scratch if you do not feel that you can pocket a kick shot back into the kitchen.

  4. Chicken S  to start with but the next player will have to bank into it

    Didnt mean a CS game just a few of the rules but those who play seem to like it

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