
Coworker question?

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So I teach toddlers at a montessori school and in my class I have another teacher who seems to have a huge crush on my other coworker the teacher in the preschool class, well its to a point where when were outside and im talking about the kids she'll ignore me and flirt with him and watch him the whole time if one of the kids cries for no reason and I tell her they're fine she'll go up to the guy and make sure he is fine everytime we cant find her she is talking to the preschool teacher now I know I have given alot of information but here is my question these two teachers are my directors two top go to people and I dont know what I should do to get her to notice this behavior its not so much my male coworker it's the girl I work with. Thanks




  1. one word UNPROFESSIONAL....not to mention i'd be angry if i were one of the parents

  2. I would talk to her in private first and just let her know that she is acting really unprofessionally and that she needs to focus on the children, not the eye candy. If she doesnt get her act together, talk to the directors about it

  3. You need to talk to the director at the school.  Let her know what you're seeing, and ask if she can keep an eye out on it to see if she notices the same thing.

    In a preschool setting, attention of the teacher is pretty stretched to the limits anyway.  I wouldn't feel all that great knowing that my kids' teachers were flirting during work hours, when I'm entrusting them with the safety and well-being of my children.

  4. This is kind of a sticky situation. I see what you mean. You don't really want to report it to a higher up person for fear of maybe losing your job or making them mad at you which in turn will make working together even more uncomfortable. Is this other teacher a friend of yours?? Or is the guy a friend of yours?? Maybe try talking to one of them. Let them know, Hey, we are here for the children, not the dating game!!!! Also you could always type anonymous letter to someone higher up and then maybe they can resolve it, that is what I would do. That way no one knows it was you but it will be brought to someones attention. Good luck and I hope I helped a little!!!

  5. If this behavior is a problem for the children and their impending safety you have to deal with it.  If it is simply annoying and she is getting her work done okay then get over it and pay attention to something else.  Sometimes people just do not see how annoying they are in a work place and you have to decide if it is important enough to put yourself out there.  good luck.

  6. Ask your self these two questions and answer them silently to yourself, And answer them honestly, number 1, Am I jealous that she is taking a liking to my other co worker? And If iam not jealous then Why should I get her into trouble?, If i do that then I will be loossing my job, and hers at the same time, number 2, Why should i sacrifice our jobs over a stupid crush? And yes i would mind my own business and not say anything ab out it, They will get caught sooner or later, and You then will be in the clear, But answer those questions, and you will see what your answer might be
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