
Coworker was reading my emails...?

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I have this coworker who my other coworkers don't seem to like, and I don't like her either. One day I was writing email to someone and all of a sudden I had to leave my cubicle for just 2 min.. when I came back this coworker was standing there, bent over reading what I was writing! And as soon as she saw me, she stood up straight and flashed a huge fake smile. She does things like this but when everyone else is around, she'll act really friendly with me and acts as though she's the most well-mannered woman on the planet.

What can I do about her?




  1. Make sure you don't leave anything incriminating up on your screen.  Lock your computer every time you leave it.  

  2. Honestly, I would have said something to her. like "please mind your own business"

    I know this is eaier said then done..but try and just ignore her

  3. Firstly, get into the habit of pressing Win-L  as soon as you leave your desk. It takes 1s and locks the computer. (The Windows key should be somewhere under your left palm)

    Secondly, remember that emails are like postcards - the postie can see them. Quite a lot of companies put in employees' contracts that all emails are their property not yours (because you're using their equipment).

    Lastly, but by no means leastly, just tell her that you can't believe she'd invade your privacy like that and that you don't want anything to do with her.

  4. You've learned a few lessons--

    First, don't trust her.

    Second, don't leave things where she can see them. Minimizing the window is good.  Locking your workstation (assuming you have that capability) is even better.

    Third, if problems like this continue, say something to her.  Since you appear to use a lot of e-mail, you could send a brief but direct e-mail saying that it is of deep concern when you see her reading material on your workstation--material that might be company sensitive, and that if it continues you will have to report the problem to management.

  5. Well, if you were at work, it's not YOUR computer and it's not your PERSONAL anything.  There should be nothing on your work computer that could not be shared proudly with the entire company.

    Coming back to my desk and finding someone standing reading what I had done would surprise me, but I would simply smile and ask if I could help with something, then move back into my chair.  If you're doing nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide, right?

  6. Wow, that's a really strange thing to do. You should put a screensaver on your computer which asks for a password if you want to log back in to the normal screen, so if your computer's screensaver is on and she tries to do anything on your computer, it'll ask for a password that you created. Either that, or you could tell your boss what she's doing and he / she could have a word with her. She's practically invading your privacy and reading through personal e-mails which is just plain creepy. Perhaps you could confront her about it in private? Or would that make things worse? What kind of woman is she? Is the the weird, lonely, nerdy type or the manipulative, fake, scheming, evil type? Oh, and about the screensaver thing! You know you can have text and writing as your screensaver? You could make the text say "Quit Reading My E-Mails" or "Mind Your Own Business" and have it bounce around the screen!

  7. I would have confronted her right from the start when you saw her.  You could also go to your boss and talk to them about her nosiness, but if it was gossip you were writing about then it could backfire on you.  Just let her know that you don't appreciate your privacy being invaded and if it happens again you will go to management.

  8. you could go to your ,management and tell them that she must have your password because she had your email open and perhaps had sent something? and why does she have your password?

    let her explain to the boss!

  9. Sounds like it can very simply be handled by approaching management at your workplace. Theres no reason to involve her directly at all. Don't even tell her about it. Don't listen to the other suggestions to take revenge etc, that will only get yourself into trouble too.

  10. Superglue her !

  11. Learn to lock your computer with a password. If it's an MS Windows (whatever) system, setup a screen-saver with a password protection. If you have a Windows log-in, Ctrl-Alt-Delete, will bring up a pop-up screen and allow you to lock the system. You'll need your log-in password to access it again. Also, minimize your screens too.

  12. Personally, I would have confronted her immediately. And expressed my displeasure of her actions. She obviously is a nosy busy body who should spend more time doing her job and less time minding other peoples business.  

  13. make her read something she dont want to read

  14. tell a manager... we had a girl like that where i work but she was almost 30 years old and acting like she was in highschool... the was talking **** about every girl to all the other girls.. when she was alone with you you were her "BEST FRIEND" but when you werent there she couldnt stand you... we finally caught her in a lie and she quit because she was so embarrased after she left we found out all the stuff she really did here... it was sooo crazy.. we all thought eachother hated the other ones.. lets just say that since she quit there has been no drama and we all get along really really good.. so my advice to you is either make the work conditions unbareable for her so she will quit, or tell a manager so they will watch her...  

  15. just tell her to **** off and leave you alone

    or dont read my email there my personal things so dont touch or look unless i want or say you can

    tell it to her straight  

  16. Ask her if she likes what she read.  She is banking on you being polite and not mentioning it..... you should call her on that kind of behavior.  Try not to be confrontational if others are around though because she will turn it so you seem like the jerk.  

    Good luck with her.  I can't stand people like that.

  17. After the fact there is nothing you can do. If you catch her again call her out. Ask her if she got an eye full, or if she like what she read. People like this need to be taught boundaries. I would not tell her anything you don't want people to know. SHe's nosey.

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